0.1. The Start of it All

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The idea of the memory wiping was very loosely based off Teri Terry's book series Slated which is literally the best thing I've ever read and I highly recommend it. Anyway, I've been writing this for so long I really hope you enjoy.

Also I don't write a lot of angst very often so I don't know if this contains bad topics or not but please even if you even think this may upset you in anyway don't read it!! I'd never ever want anyone to feel hurt or upset by anything I've written!

Also, this is crossposted on AO3!!

Minho faced the wall in the hospital, it seemed like it was mocking him, calling him useless and reminding him that there was no way out. He knew that Jisung was next door, the boy's yelling easily made its way past the soundproofing. However, the elder boy was zapped of all energy and was simply resigned to his fate, there was nothing that could be done. Even the pain from hearing Jisung's protests and screams wasn't enough for Minho to gain enough energy for one last fight.

All that Minho had ever known about the procedure were hushed stories that he had been told at school. The reality was much different. Most people told him that no one was scared and everyone simply accepted their fate yet this seemed like a joke. He was the only one in the entire building without the energy to fight.

It was when he first walked the corridors that everything sank in. People were yelling and crying out for their lovers but no one was responding. The place was ridden with fear but Minho was sure that most of that fear belonged to those who were attempting to stay strong.

He knew all about being the 'strong' one, perhaps the thing he knew most was that those perceived to be strong were usually the weakest. Jisung's screams and protests echoing throughout his room reminded him of how weak he truly was. The younger was terrified and not only for himself but for Minho too and he was fighting, he was doing everything he could to keep their love alive. Minho wasn't trying, there was nothing he could do.

The older supposed that his only fear was that he would never lay eyes upon Jisung again. Yes, the younger was goofy and dorky and a lot of his jokes weren't as funny as Minho made them out to be but living without him wasn't an option. The idea of never laying sight upon his big brown eyes again or never hearing his cute laugh caused Minho's heart to clench in his chest. It felt like a death sentence.

It seemed like an age passed before a doctor walked into Minho's room, "Lee Minho, your procedure will take place in 20 minutes, before this you will have 3 minutes to say your goodbyes to," he paused for a moment to read a piece of paper, "Mr Han Jisung," he paused again, "after this you will be escorted directly to be injected with the serum" he spoke and Minho decided as soon as the doctor mentioned Jisung's name that he hated him.

The man turned to leave before taking a look at Minho and smiling "I don't tell this to many people but you can trick the serum, just love truly and find him again" the doctor spoke before nodding and walking out of the room.

Love truly? Minho thought on this. He was sure that his love for Jisung was true, he'd never felt anything quite as strong. Surely this was a sign? Would it be stupid of him to hope that he may see Jisung again?


Minho remembered the day that they were taken as if it hadn't happened 3 days ago. It felt like years had passed but at the same time it seemed like only minutes. Time was cruel. His days spent with Jisung flew by in seconds yet his days spent alone dragged out for decades. This day in particular he wished would never end.

"Hyung, I didn't just ask you to come over because I wanted to watch movies and cook you some half burned disgusting food," Jisung spoke to Minho in a soft and nervous voice that instantly made the elder concerned, "I need you to know something," he paused to gather his thoughts, "always remember that I love you, even if neither of us know this, even if we both find love again, I will never love someone as strongly as I love you now," the pure fear, determination and love wrapped around Jisung's every word made tears spring into Minho's eyes. They were terrified, both of them.

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