0.6. The Base

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The two boys awoke the next day to a sharp knock on the door, Felix raced down the stairs in the hopes that it would be Chan with good news but instead he was faced with two doctors and he immediately realised why they were there. "We're here for Minho?" they asked, "it's time for his one week check up."

"Hyung!" Felix called but there was no answer, "I'm sure he's just sleeping, come in and I'll go and get him."

The youngest ran upstairs as the doctors took a seat in the lounge and he shook Minho awake, "hyung, hyung."

"What is it Lix, it's like 8am?" Minho asked groggily.

"The doctors are here for your first week check up," and Minho woke up fully after hearing this.

"What? Lix what do I do? What if they know?" Minho began to panic and he pushed back his covers and ran his hand through his hair.

"Look here, hyung they're just doctors not mind readers don't worry, you'll be fine, I got through it alone we'll enough just tell them what they want to hear," Felix calmed the older boy slightly and he got changed before making his way downstairs. Felix was still at his side for moral support.

"Hi!" Minho's entire demeanour changed as he greeted the doctors with a falsely happy smile.

"Hi Minho," one spoke, "how are you finding life outside of the centre?" she asked.

"It's great! I enjoyed being in the centre a lot but I really like all of the things I've experienced in the outside world," every word that came from the boys mouth was calculated and careful and the doctors seemed to be impressed.

"Ah what new experiences have you had?" the other doctor asked.

"I have met with one of Felix's friends and he was very kind, I tasted ice cream for the first time and that was very nice also, I am enjoying it a lot."

"Do you have your eye on anyone yet?" Minho felt his blood boil.

"How do you mean?" He asked with a false sweetness.

"Do you have any romantic interest in anyone?"

Suddenly, Minho remembered the fact that he was a very good liar, "yes in fact, there is a very pretty girl I saw in the ice cream shop, she had blonde hair and tanned skin she was beautiful," he spoke pouring in every bit of fake emotion and wistfulness he could possibly muster and the doctors ate up his lies like lions.

"We're very happy for you Minho, that is all, from now on you won't be hearing from us again if you could please just sign these forms?" they asked and Minho pretended to read their conditions knowing he would just break them anyway before he signed the sheet and handed it back to them.

"Thank you for your time Minho, good luck on the rest of your life and with your girl," they nodded before leaving the room and the house. Felix immediately held his finger up to his lips and rushed to the fireplace picking up a small black dot and crushing it.

"What?" Minho asked with confusion in his voice.

"I noticed it when they came for mine, they leave a monitor here and it sends a feed back to their computers which registers anytime you say a banned word or speak of anything about your soulmate," the Australian told him.

"They're pieces of shit and I hate every last one of them," Minho spoke in anger as he flopped back down on to the sofa.

"Don't we all," Felix agreed and they sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before Felix stood up, "anyway Hyunjin will be here soon to go to the session but we've still got about an hour, wanna play Mario Kart?" he asked and who was Minho to turn down such an offer?

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