Part 27

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Two Years Later - Epilogue

Nicole was sitting in her favorite window seat in her bedroom staring out the window into the back yard with the pregnancy test in her hand. Two years ago at this time she and Ryan had just found out that they were having Chad, who was now 17 months old, and now here they were again. She had suspected something for a couple weeks and finally caved and bought a test just to ease her nerves. It was almost laughable to her because the doctor told her a little over seven years ago that she wouldn't be able to get pregnant and now she had a six year old, a baby and another on the way. Who would have thought?

She set the test on the seat beside her and then stood up and walked toward the closet where her beautiful wedding dress was hanging. She ran her fingers over the ivory lace overlay which felt beautiful beneath her fingers and admired the fitted bodice. The top was simple and the skirt was basic with just a little bit of poof.

Ryan had asked her to marry him about three months ago when he took her on a little getaway to Mexico. They had managed to escape for seven days and leave the kids with her mom and dad. It was beautiful and perfect. It was more than she could have imagined.

Nicole looked up when her bedroom door opened and in walked Beth and Anna with coffee and breakfast.

"Its breakfast time," Beth sang as she put the tray down on the table beside the bed, "How are you doing beautiful lady?"

"I'm excited," Nicole replied with a smile, "And nervous."

Nicole walked over to Beth and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then put a hand on her very pregnant belly. Beth and Alex had tried for years to get pregnant and they had never been successful, but it just went to show that a little hard work and perseverance pays off. Beth was now eight months pregnant and Nicole just hoped that Beth wouldn't go into labor during her wedding, although it would make for an interesting turn of events.

"How are you feeling momma?" Nicole asked, smiling at her best friend.

"I'm feeling great!" Beth replied, "The baby hasn't been very active this morning, probably because she was active all night long."

"How are you Anna?" Nicole asked as she handed her a cup of coffee, "You sleep ok?"

"Yeah, peacefully," Anna stated with a smirk, "I'm just glad I wasn't the one who had to share a bed with Beth. Poor Alex."

Anna had made a full recovery from her depression and minor drug addiction and now she was living a good, clean life. She had one more year left of school before she could become a drug and alcohol rehabilitation counsellor. While at school, Anna had met a wonderful guy named Charlie and she couldn't be happier.

"Anna, I need you to do me a favor," Nicole said as she rushed over to the window seat and picked up the pregnancy test, "I would like for you to take this downstairs and give it to Ryan. I struggled for weeks trying to come up with the perfect wedding gift, but I think this is a winner."

Beth walked over, not wanting to miss out on the perfect gift. Nicole handed over the pregnancy test to Anna and within seconds all three of them squealed in excitement. Beth and Anna threw their arms around their best friend and Nicole beamed with happiness.

"When did you find out?" Beth asked quickly, "How long have you been keeping this a secret?"

"I suspected for a couple weeks, but I couldn't be sure," Nicole replied, "But when I woke up this morning I felt nauseous and my boobs really hurt so I decided that I would take the test. Positive!"

"I'm so happy and excited for you," Anna said quietly, "You finally got the happy family you deserve. Today is going to be a beautiful day!"

"Absolutely, it is," Nicole agreed, "So you don't mind taking that down to Ryan?"

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