Part 3

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News of the young king, Herobrine, hosting a ball, finally open to finding the right girl, brought the entire kingdom into an excited bustling no one saw coming. All the young women suddenly had their hearts set on winning the king over, either with their good looks, and more rarely, their winning personalities. You hadn't expected such a thing to happen either. The king had been a self proclaimed loner since before he even became king. 

Like pretty much every family with a young woman in the house, your household had as well been filled to the brim with excitement and insanely high pitch girly squeals. The insanity was only doubled since there were two, so desperate to take the king's hand. 

Polly was much quieter about the whole thing, though you know she is secretly obsessing over the idea. And Andie was the squealer, shaking the house practically when she first heard the news. And you... you honestly don't care. The girls can fight over the king as much as they want. If you were to ever to fall in love, it would probably be with that nice guy you met over by that hidden pond. But.. this whole ball thing did open up some new doorways for you. A way you could finally chase your dreams. Simply being inside that huge castle would be a dream come true, and as a guest, you could only imagine your heart melting the moment you get to see all the beautiful architecture and grand hallways. For once, in your head you could finally imagine yourself as a real princess. But, that wasn't the reason you had decided you wanted to go. Once inside, you could talk with maids, butlers, etc; all about how to get a job there: your dream job. Maybe you could even have an interview or something scheduled. Maybe, just maybe, your dream of working in the palace could become a reality. But enough about your plans for the future. You have a house to clean... again. 

"...Um, (Y/n)?..." Polly whispered behind you while you were in the middle of mopping the floors. You turned slowly to look at her, a little curious about why she was sounding so different from normal. She almost, sounded like she actually wanted to talk to you about something. 

"Hm? What is it?" You asked. She knelt down beside you in the big poofy dress she was trying on, a soft and almost scared look on her face. 

"I... I don't want to go to the ball. I don't feel like I could handle it. Andie is so excited... but I... I'm not interested." She almost whispered. You tilted your head. Was she serious? 

"What do you mean? And why are you talking to me about this?" 

"Well, I know we don't get along... like ever. But I need your help right now. You see, if you stay here when me and Andie leave with Mother, then all we would have to do is.. I would fetch you a ride, and you can arrive far behind us in secrecy. There will probably be so many people that after that point, no one will have even noticed you and I switching places. I can take your ride there back home, and you can either ride back with angry Mother and Andie, or possibly find another way back. Who knows... with your beauty and kind nature, maybe the king himself will drive you back, or even marry you on the spot." Your cousin devised. Your eyes widened, for multiple reasons. The actual compliments hit you like a brick, since you never got them, and the plan was actually a pretty good one. A pretty smart one. But what really shocked you were the last couple sentences. 

"What?? No! I don't want to go there to be with to here he king, or anything! I just want to be able to talk with a few potential employers; see if there is a chance I can work in the palace!" You retorted. 

Polly just shrugged. "Then you can just do that. Maybe you can hop on one of those large buggies and just have them drop you off.... Does that sound like a plan?... PLEASE? I NEED this..." You finally sighed in agreement, seeing puppy eyes you had never seen on Polly before. Either she was a REALLY good actress, or she was truthfully not wanting to go. Maybe she too had already met a man she was interested in... It better not be the same one. 

"Hhh... Alright. It sounds like a plan. So, does that mean I need to start getting my dress ready?" You asked. Polly lit up like the morning sky, squealing in delight. 

"Of course! You can use one of my old dresses, since I grew out of it already!" Polly popped up onto her feet, hinting at her recent intake of too many calories. You smile as you and your once distant cousin continue your conversation, moving around the house and getting ready a couple days in advance, you never thought you ever would have with her. 

Later that night, you had gone to bed early, tired to the bone with all the running around and chores together. Meanwhile, your two cousins sat on the same bed, laughing their heads off. 

"Ha haaa! And she actually bought it???" Andie snorted. 

"Like a charm! Brilliant idea!" Polly said. 

"All thanks to your great acting! Now, we won't even have to worry about her!" Andie said. 

"Yeah, that little brat! This will teach her not to be so stuck-up and prideful!" Polly said. Right there, the two devious twins continued to laugh the night away, not caring about who's heart they would soon be smashing. 

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