Part 8

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Word had spread that the king, Herobrine, had actually chosen the right girl, but he just didn't know who or where she was. As strange as this mystery is, it has revived all the young girls in the kingdom once again to look their prettiest and await his arrival for when he should come and question them about her identity. There was talk that he was using the young lady's lost shoe to identify her. Honestly, the worst plan, since so many people have the exact same shoe size; but you aren't complaining. If anything, all the contestants will only keep him busy, while you get your peace and quiet, having plenty of time to think things through properly. 

With him so open about his quest, you begain to wonder if he genuinely does care about you. Or, maybe, this is all just some trick, or a rumor. Maybe he is even looking for a completely different girl. If so, then maybe you could show your face in the castle again... However... 

"A- Andie!" You run through the hall to reach your almost twin cousin. She huffs, rolling her eyes but still turns to look at you. 

"Hhh! What is it now?" She grunts. 

"I- I was just wondering if you were interested in marrying the king- jus- just answer first!" 

"What?!- Uh, I guess... but what do you have anything to do about it?!" She places her hands on her hips, showing some severe attitude, but inside, you know you have her hooked. 

"Well, I believe I can help you... A- as long as you do everything I say without question-"

"Na-ah! Don't think I will fall for any revenge plots of yours. It might work with Polly, but not me!" She begins to turn and walk away.  

"W- WAIT!" She stops. "...I.. might, be the girl he is looking for..." You confess, holding your own wrist bashfully while looking down at your dirty hands, waiting for a response. 

"You mean?... YOU were that girl who ran out of the ball room?! Hurmph! I knew I recognized bits and pieces of that dress!" Your cousin places the bits of the puzzle in your head... "Well, what are you going to do now? Taunt us with your, oh so called, VALUE, until we finally kick you out?!" 

"No! The complete opposite, actually! This plan benefits both of us, es- especially YOU!" Now... you have her interest. 

"Hm, and how is that?" She asks with a Swapped attitude. The face she uses to get boys to do whatever she wants at play, but that never works on you, obviously. 

"You guys are all right. I am only a servant girl, and, I know I can't be anymore... so, I figured that if we, swapped: maybe, we could both get what we want. I get to continue living in peace, and you get to be queen or whatever." You lay out the plan. It works so well in your head because in reality, the two of you look extremely similar! It might even be why she hates you so much. If you two swap places, like Herobrine had swapped with Steve, then you might just be able to pull it off. 

"....This is just to get me to do your chores, isn't it?!" Andie snaps at you all of a sudden. 

"N- no! We only have to switch once the king gets here!" 

Finally, you see a look of agreement on your cousin's face. "Fine. But~ you have to tell me every conversation you two have had, just so I don't slip up on anything." Your face turns red. Do you really? With a hearty sigh, you agree to the terms, and the two get to work on planning and makeup right away. 

It is about two days later when your house receives a letter, saying that the king himself will be visiting the neighborhood your house is just outside of just later today. The rush of a cold shiver comes up your spine when you read it. You are hit with a small feeling of excitement, impatient about seeing him. The small thrill is quickly covered by dread, as you force it into your fears category. This plan better work. You can't be found. You don't really know why, but you just can't! 

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