Part 6

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Several still minutes pass, and finally, you begin to speak your thoughts. The reasons for your crying. 

"....My... My father was a very nice man. H- he loved me so much- and I loved him." To that, you felt arms loosen a little, and the sound of thinking came around the place as Steve listened in closely. "But, he died... An aunt of mine, a more distant one, took me in, but, not as part of the family... What started as me simply doing chores to earn my keep, slowly turned into me being everyone's personal slave... For years I have worked there, ever since I was only a little girl, slaving over things my cousins could easily have done on their own. My aunt, 'Mother,' constantly corrects, mocks, and yells at me for not doing things right. My cousins also complain for things they could easily do on their own or at least help out with... I guess, I guess I just want to work here.. to escape. Somewhere I won't be yelled at. Somewhere I can dream... I know, it's a stupid reason-" 

"No- no! N- not at all! I would do the same!" Steve interrupts you, easily sympathyzing with you and your past. His arms retreat away from you to again be placed on the rails to take his support, leaving you in the cooling air as a breeze brushes along a lone strand of hair that had fallen from your 'comb' and into your face. You smile when you hear his words of agreement though. "It's actually heart tearing, knowing someone like you has had to live through such a thing. Makes me want to make some laws or something against that ever happening to anyone else, especially you." He states. Your head turns towards him with several questions, but only one comes out. 

"Someone like me?.. What do you mean by that?..." 

"Someone like you, is someone more beautiful than they could ever admit. Someone with a pure, gentle, caring, and loving heart. Someone, who does not fear tomorrow. Someone like you, can in reality, only be you. And I am not just talking to the you standing right before me, while your imagination of yourself is quite creative, what really inspires me is the real you: the reader. I just wish you can see yourself the way I do. The way someone who really cares sees you. No... You shouldn't think you are stupid for wanting an escape. You are far from that. Instead, try to look ahead, and dream as big as you can. The bigger you dream, the more of it comes true... And I know, that someone like you, deserves to have bigger dreams than simply being a servant for the rest of her life..." And with that, I pause, allowing you time to think. 

"...You really care, about me?" You ask. 

"Of course." Steve chuckles softly. 

"...Then, who are you, really?.." Steve's eyes widen a little with the question. You can't keep it in any longer. You NEED to know it this is that same guy. "Do you remember me?" 


"Do, you, remember, ME?" You ask sterner, both of you standing straight in the new conversation, facing each other. 

"You know.. I have had the strangest suspicion, but, I didn't want to appear rude..." He looks you directly in the eyes, the faintest smile sliding up on his face. "...May I?" He hints at your hair. Without really knowing what he is thinking, you still allow him to do as he pleases. You look down a little, and you feel a hand gently grab and pull out the comb holding your hair up. You cringe as you feel it flop down on your shoulders. Steve tilts your chin up a little and moves your hair a little into a comfortable position. Finally, he stares at you in awe. "...It really is you." He breathes in only partial disbelief. He had been almost certain the entire time, but didn't want to jump to assumptions and make things awkward if it wasn't really you. 

"Me, who..?" You ask, eyes once again locking in place with his. 

"...The girl I fell in love with." He smiles. In thst moment, time appears to freeze. You can do nothing but look into this man's eyes as a feeling grows inside. You do not want to do anything but look into this man's eyes as you let this feeling rise until you finally recognize it. A feeling you haven't felt in a looong time...: love. 

Things suddenly speed up again, and before you even realize it, Steve has both of his arms around you, squeezing you tightly -- but still gently. You hug back immediately, melting in his arms. You can't believe it. You love someone again. The last time you had ever felt this way was way back when your father was still alive; but now, you love someone new. Someone who might just be able to help you. 

"Finally! I'm so excited!" Steve suddenly lifts you up, spinning around happily. "I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see you again! I mean, my plan had clearly worked, but it was soo close to being a complete flop!" Placing you back down safely, you wonder what he is going on about. 

"Huh? What plan?" You ask curiously. 

"The whole party of course! You wouldn't just think I would actually open up to everyone after already finding the perfect girl now would you?!" He answers joyfully. But you are still left with far too many questions to join in just yet. 

"Wait wait, hold up. Only the king, Herobrine, can organize parties like this!" You state. Steve nods as if it is so simple. 

"Aha, and who do you think that king is?" He asks, developing a bubble in your throat. 

"W- well, the king, who is in there!" You point into the ball room, where the crowd is dancing to yet another song. 

"Heh, that's not the king in there. That's Steve." Steve says cooly. 

"But- but- you're Steve." You speak a little softer, still trying to figure out what exactly is going on. Steve sighs, trying to now think of the best way to explain it all to you. 

"Okay, so here's what happened: I met you, I wanted to find you again, I organized a big party where everyone was invited, saying I was opening up to courting or something hoping that would draw a larger crowd, me and Steve got together and devised a plan, one where he would pretend to be me and dance with all the girls while I roamed around, looking for you. Got it?" He asked, clasping his hands together at the end, summing it all up. It still takes a moment or two to think through it all. When your mind finally falls into the realization, it is almost as if a massive freight train has just slammed right into you. Your jaw drops open and you stumble a little. 

"Y- you're King Herobrine?!" You ask. He only nods, smiling, his eyes swapping to a solid glowing white just to prove it, but the smile slowly fades when he sees your reaction, changing into worry. Quickly, you drop to one knee, utterly embarrassed. "I- I- I- I'm sorry, -S- sir!.. B- but I am un fit to be anything but a servant, much less an equal to you. If I may, I must go now.." You begin to slowly cower away, not really giving him a chance to grant you permission. You just can't see yourself being any more than a servant. You have never been anything but one. Even though you do love him, you choose to make the wise choice in not disturbing someone so much higher than yourself. Quickly, you turn and run back into the castle, towards the exit. You run fast for a girl in heels! 

"W- wait! No! I- I still don't even know your name." The newly discovered king shouts from behind you. People turn their heads towards the commotion with confused faces. You shield your face in embarrassment. After a moment of blindly running through the thick crowd of people, you bump into one solid dude. You fall back completely onto your bum, looking up immediately to see Steve. The real Steve, who has suddenly switched into bodyguard mode. Up close, you can see that Steve is indeed, a little shorter than his king, and is a tad bit more built to make up for that lost height. He seems to know exactly who you are, and shows no intent in allowing you past him, so you don't ask politely. 

Instead, you tackle his legs, since you are already on the floor, and send him falling backwards. Adrenaline making you move twice as quickly, you jump back up after the easy tackle and run past Steve, who gives chase to you as well. You get annoyed of running with your shoes after a short while, and completely discard both of them in the exiting hallway as you run. Without those high heels, you manage to run even faster, booking it out of the newly open front doors and to your horse. Time speeds up, and soon enough, you flop back down on your bed, panting like a maniac. 

You might think you would be relieved after barely escaping, but as the rush of adrenaline dyes down, your eyes water once again, absolutely fed up with being so wet, and you silently sit up in your bed with your back to the head-board, quietly sniffing back tears as you imagine all the other ways tonight could have ended if only you had not run away. If only you hadn't been so scared... 

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