Chapter 2: You're together?

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I couldn't believe my eyes, it was him. I didn't know what to do standing there dumbfounded as the love of my life tried to kiss my old best friend, casually mumbling words like 'babe' and 'you look sexy'. I obviously couldn't be upset considering this is my fault, all of it, completely my fault. It hadn't occurred to me until now that I had really lost my blue eyed dream. I don't even know why I was here, what was this party for anyways.

"What is this party for by the way" I took Meghan's attention from her giggling at his touch while blushing madly, and oh how I wish I hadn't asked, almost as much as I wish I hadn't come.

"It's our engagement party" mere seconds later he dragged her on the dance floor and they danced like we used to. I couldn't handle it, I ran to the restroom and completely broke down to pieces.

I was honestly having a really good time with all my friends and so completely glad that they didn't thinking badly of it considering how my last engagement went, I thought they would question me considering Meghan's gender. But no one did, everyone supported it and have hated him ever since I told them all what had happened, well most of them anyway. I never cared if they hated him but I most certainly couldn't be around him. Then, as if by fate I saw him, that green eyed wonderland. I couldn't look pathetic in front of him so I took a shot of courage, and put on my best drunk act.

I walked over to Meghan slurring words I know would tick him off. I couldn't look at him, no I'd cry and right now I'm meant to be enjoying myself not wallowing in the past of this perfect boy who looks as if he'd seen a ghost. I smirked, what a perfect plan. I kept whispering loud enough for him to hear who sexy Meghan looked cause she actually did. As I kept thinking about him and her I couldn't take the memories, so I dragged Meghan onto the dance floor as I saw him flee to the toilets. I feel oddly guilty. I had another plan.

Hey I know this is short and I never update so that's unfair but I have a solid plan for this sequel. so in order to make it as long as you guys would like the chapters will be kinda short but that gives me more motivation to update. Also shane and joey will interact with eachother next chapter. which will be up next month. one chapter a month is what I'm hoping for. Love you xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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