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Night came faster than she thought as right now she in the place where they first met. Her eyes was sad as she look at beautiful scenery outside of the restaurant. Her eyes moist but she  wiped it out so she wouldn't cry. Her heart feels heavy and she was nervous knowing what will happen. Then all of a sudden he came but she was shock to see Nancy with him this make her feel hurt and angry at the same time.

"Lisa how could you do this! I trusted you and loved you! Why? Why did you betray me?" His word was slap in her face and she look at Nancy who look worried but knowing her, it was all in act.

"Hongseok listen to me first.Let me explain what happen." She said as tears started to show but before she can grab Hongseok, Nancy stop her.

"Lisa , you betray him do you think he'll listen. You cheated behind his back and have sex with another man." Nancy said and she saw all eyes were looking at her with disgust. She felt her world stops , and her tears come out more. She look at Hongseok only to find anger and pain in it. She didn't know what to say anymore or to do, it feels like her voice were gone. Even when she wanted to tell him , it was Nancy's fault.

"Were through,I never wanna see you again." He said and left grabbing Nancy with him, as she look back with a smirk in her face.

She cried , and her knees fell making her kneel down.

"Please , it wasn't my fault." She said in a low voice that only her could hear.


Lisa's Pov

I went home , after recollecting myself only to see the anger in my Dad face. As soon as I was in his reach , he slap me hard and I saw her face seeing the smirk as same as her daughter had earlier.

"How could you humiliate me this way!"Father said but I laugh as tears fall before he can say more I ran away feeling more empty. I couldn't call Rose , nor no one was there for me as they all believe Nancy just because she has evidence. I don't where she get the footage of me getting out from the hotel room mess up. I really looked , I had sex from it and this makes me more hurt. Hongseok wouldn't believe me , I change my mind that time to at least tell him the truth. It was just to late since Nancy did it first and I knew she was with him.

I didn't know where I was, I continue walking and felt raindrop in my shoulder. I look up and saw that it has started raining, tears continue to fall and I felt pain. I find my self seated in the dark bus station, as I continue to cry my heart out. 

What did I do in the past that things happen to me? Why am I being punish when I didn't do anything? Why?

I asked to myself as I cried louder knowing no one will here my voice. I am all alone, no one will save me from this. "Mom, take me with you please." I said through my sobs and I slowly stood up crossing the street when a car was going to pass by. I look at the light and smile, but before I can see how my life end my eyes betray me as I feel dizzy and slowly darkness eat me up.


Jungkook Pov.

After investigating what had happen to me, I found out about one of my guards was seduce by a woman that he betrayed me. One of the thing I don't tolerate is betrayal, knowing how my men betrayed me to taste a flesh of a woman makes my blood boil. I had told Jae, to look for the girl information as I took care of the rat in my men. I also found out who want me drugged, but her plan back fired at her. Jung Yein, a girl I met by one of my meeting to it's father and the dumb woman thought that I will br tied upto her if something happen to us. I called my secretary even he was away to cancel every investment to the Jung family and inform Mr. Jung the behavior of his daughter. 

As for me , I had just arrive at one of my mansion as two of my men welcome me before giving me a gun. Entering the place , I went straight to the secluded torture room I had in this mansion and saw the guy who betrayed me last night.

"Mr. Jeon please forgive me." He plead but , I only glare at him as I step on his wounded knees.

"Forgave you? From the beginning since you enter the Jeon Empire , I told you two things I don't like, being a liar and betrayal. Yet , you consume your lust and let me be drug by a woman. Now , now you want my forgiveness? Do you think I am an Idiot, Huh?" I said more louder as he grunt in pain. He shake his head and I laugh coldly at him before I point my gun at him. "Now, what should you ask me?" I said to him.

"I deserve to die Mr. Jeon." He said and I pull the trigger too many times making his brains scattered in the floor.

"Joon, call the maid to clean this mess up. Handle the body and make sure everyone knows what will happen to those who will betray me." I said getting the towel from him and wiping the blood in my hand, walking upstairs. "Yuju!" I called on of my maid and she hurriedly went to my side. "Prepare my clothes , I will take a bath and I want my suit to be ready." I said and she nod before leaving to be in my closet room. I took off the bloody suit I was wearing and entered the bathroom. I open the shower , as water drops to my body the memory last night hunts me slowly the face of the girl get more clearer after watching the footage.

Who was she? Why is she in that same room but I guess I have to thank her for saving me to be trap in such woman. I must find that woman no matter what!


Getting out of the bathroom I saw Yuju still fixing my coat making me irritated as girls could be really shameless. This woman , plan to seduce me, did she think I will fall for a trap like that, I wasn't even turn on seeing her underwear.

"What are you still doing here? Leave! Now!" I said my voice was full of anger as she look back at me before leaving the room. I close my eyes from irritation and dress up when my phone beep up.

An Email?  I thought to myself but open the email only to see the face of the woman and her information.  So she is the daughter of Kim Hyunjun, from his late wife. Meeting her won't be bad. I said to myself and call Joon to ready the car as I fix my coat before going out.

As soon as I was out of the mansion the cars where ready ,I went in and told Joon to drove to the address of the girl. There house isn't far from where I was, it was already night as I look at the dark sky. Then it rained, making my mood more gloom as I hate the rainy season because it remind me of my childhood. My thoughts was interrupted when Joon suddenly stop the car.

"What the  fuck was that!?" I angrily ask and Joon look apologetic to me before he speak.

"A woman suddenly cross and fainted." He said and I sigh

"Look into it, if she really fainted and not hit by our car." I said as he bow before getting out of the car to look at the woman in front. Not long when Joon knock in my window ,as I push a button to open the window.

"Sir, the woman was the same one you wanted to meet." He said and I frowned, I open my car door as Joon make sure rain won't get into me. I walk to the woman he was saying and indeed it was the same one last night. I crouched down and pick her up, before I look over Joon who were shock to see what I have done.

"What are you being frozen there for, hurry up and open the fucking door." I said as he did it , and I went inside as the girl still in my arms even thought she was wet by the rain.

Such way of seeing one another again, little girl.

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