Chapter 6: Can't Go Back

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        There was no possible way to find sleep after what happened that night with Sebastian Shaw. When the last of them were found, the five of them were subjected to questioning and not permitted to leave anyone's sight. It wasn't until the sun had returned to the sky at dawn that they were all finally released, left to watch as the authorities continued to arrive and disperse in multiple cars and trucks.  Ambulances, fire trucks, S.W.A.T. trucks and black government cars with dark tinted windows continued to drop off men in uniform for their specialties.  Nevertheless, it was difficult to navigate with chunks of concrete and other debris from the building scattered about.

        But once they were cast aside, none of the agents cared to notice their group of mutants gathered where they were told to stay, where at least one bench had remained intact for the most part just outside the facility. Vehicle doors slammed shut, both polished shoes and heavy boots ran against the pavement, and Kat could feel the buzzing of their minds as they tried to piece together what had happened like they hadn't spent hours talking about it.

        The very memory of it brought back those feelings of fear, loss, anger; it was enough to make Kat shiver despite the of warmth from the morning sun.

        Raven must have felt her shudder, for touched Kat's wrist with her hand, helping to calm Kat immensely. Kat then took Raven's hand in hers, squeezing as she tried for a warm, reassuring smile, which Raven returned as if to tell her that they would all be fine. They had to be. 

        Charles was coming back.

        As if on cue, Charles's voice called Raven's name. Raven and Kat both stood from the rest to see Charles dashing from the taxi Erik was still getting out of. Relief washed over Kat even as Raven let go of her hand to run and hug her brother. 

        Then Charles's eyes met Kat's over Raven's shoulder and she felt calm again, yet something in his gaze was sad. 

        Raven finally let go of Charles and together they approached the rest of the group, Erik not far behind them once the taxi drove away. Charles looked at his sister at his side, then to the rest of them.  

        "We've made arrangements for you all to be taken home immediately."

         Kat's mouth dropped open, her stomach turning. "Charles, I am not going back to—" Kat paused in her argument, unable to look at the others even as they all waited for her to finish her sentence. Instead, she cleared her throat. "I mean. . ." He knew what she meant. She had only just discovered this part of life with others like herself; she couldn't go back to what she was. Who she was.

        "Well, he's not going back to prison!" Sean nodded his head to Alex beside him.

        Alex looked up at Charles almost incredulously, and Kat became aware that it wasn't her own betrayal she was feeling. "He killed Darwin!" 

        "All the more reason for you to leave," Charles retaliated. "This is over."

        Kat crossed her arms over her chest and could see how Raven's expression went dark, her voice cold as she spoke with finality, "Darwin's dead, Charles. And we can't even bury him."

        A moment of silence passed by, and everyone lowed their heads down at the very memory of what they'd witnessed in the last twelve hours. It was a terrible thing to think of, to have believed they could make a difference when there was nothing to be said, nothing more to be done. 

        But Erik didn't agree with that. "We can avenge him," he said firmly, grasping their attention, their last scraps of hope. 

        "Erik, a word, please." Charles grabbed Erik by his arm and led him a short distance away to speak with him out of earshot of the others.

        From where she stood, Kat would have tried to tune in to their conversation if she wasn't sure that Charles would catch her. She stood next to Raven and nudged her to get her attention instead. "Raven," she said with a quiet urgency in her voice, "I can't go back to what I was. I can't, you know that." She'd lived her life the only way she'd known how: under the radar. But now the government had documentation on her; she existed, and they were all a part of this now. There was no way to go back, knowing what they knew now.

        "If Charles says that there's nothing we can do, then there's nothing we can do," Raven said sadly.  "I mean, maybe I can talk to him. Come to some agreement for you to stay with us and get on your feet, okay? I promise I'll try. Like I said, he's always eager to help."

        Kat nodded and felt the sincerity of her offer. "Okay. Thank you."

         Not a few seconds later, Charles turned around to looked over at their remaining five, examining them one by one. When his eyes came to Kat, she could see the look in his eyes and knew what Raven said was true. Something else was there in his gaze—something brighter, better.

        A better answer. "We'll have to train.  All of us." Then, "Yes?"

        Kat felt like she had forgotten how to breathe long ago and was suddenly taking her first breath of fresh air. Charles's words seem to restore hope in all of them at once as they all nodded in agreement. Charles did not even have to ask.

        "But we can't stay here," Hank brought up. "Even if they re-open the department, it's not safe.  We've got nowhere to go."

        Charles nodded, unfazed. "Yes, we do."

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