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I was late .I was devastated. I was only 15.

I paced back and fourth in my room waiting for Harry to get here. I had to tell him he was the father anyways.

"Baby" he said entering my room I knew my face was stained with tears. I had been crying ever since I took the test ,but cried even more when all three came back positive.

"Harry" I said back trying to stop the tears that were soon to fall.  He lingered over in my direction sitting close and wrapping his arms around me.

"What  is wrong? " he asked kissing my head

"Harry I'm pregnant " I told him sobbing his eyes looked glossy

" I will give you money ,but I can't take care of it im to young I have a big  future ahead of me I made it in the x-factor, I cant have some kid slowing me down. " I gasped

"Harry please so am I ,you're 16 i'm 15 please don't leave me" I begged

He stood up "I'll send you your first check next week" and with that Harry Styles left me pregnant and alone

word count 196

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