3(Day with Uncle Ni)part 1

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"Are you sure you want to watch her? I mean I could get her baby sitter or something? " Amber breathed out

I picked up Darcy's diaper bag "yes love I have her you just go get your shopping done. Have a day to yourself" I had given Amber my card to buy groceries and new things for herself as well as Darcy.

"Okay Niall if anything happens please call me" she was running wild

"Okay baby girl mommy loves you be good for Ni" she kissed Darcy causeing her to giggle

"Ahhh maaa-mmmy"

"Bye Darc" Amber called out closeing the door

I took a look around the now empty apartment "so what we gonna do today Drac" I asked the small one year old

"Ahh qweem" she giggled

What the hell was this girl saying I laughed "What princess? " I asked her

She was bounceing up and down in her little bouncy chair thing "qweem" she giggled again clapping her hands together

I finally gave up and decided to send Amber a text asking what she meant

Darckeepssaying 'qweem' whatdoesthatmean

I sat my phone down picking Darcy up tickleing her ,her laughs filling the apartment .I don't know why Harry was such a dick and left her. He never talks about her or Amber. Sometimes one of the guys would ask about his first love and what happened he just said she cheated .

It took all I had in me not to beat the living shit out of him. My phone buzzed knocking me out of my trance

LolNishewantsicecream . Ihavebeen giving hersome lately(:

I quickly sent "ok" back and went to get Darcy dressed. Her closet was filled with pink and purple and more pink clothes. I grabbed a cute pink tu-tu and a black onesie that had a pink monkey on it.

After getting her dressed I found a black head band with a pink bow and put it on her head.

"Ahh" she laughed again she must be really happy today . I picked up her stroller and diaper bag while holding her in my other arm walking to my car. I put her in the backseat of my Mercedes then shut the door


"Awe Darcy will love this" my friend Brooke said holding up a pinkbear she was right Darcy loved anything pink.

I had just got my nails done and now was shopping for clothes. I made my way to forever 21 .I looked through the racks finding a few cute sweaters and cardigans.

"What size are you" Brooke asked

"6"I sighed looking down after getting pregnant I gained weight I didnt want and the hips I didn't need

"Girl you are so lucky im a "8" and I haven't even had a kid yet" Brooke hit my shoulder

My phone buzzed in my purse I took it out unlocking the screen I mentally thanked Niall for buying my the new I phone 6 plus.

I received a text from Niall


Comejoinmeandtheprincessforicecreamattheicehouse? :)

I looked at the picture it was of Darcy with ice cream all over her face


"No Darcy " I said as she picked the ice cream up with her hands putting it all over her face and in her hair

She giggled then started blubbering baby talk

"God your mum is gonna kill me" I asked Amber to join us for ice cream

The door bell went off in the store and I seen Amber step in .She seen me and walked towards our table

"Hey love" I greeted her as she sat down

"Hi Ni, hi baby" she greeted Darcy and me

"How was shopping " I asked taking a bite of Darcy's ice cream from her bowl

She moved some hair behind her ear "it was good" she replied back "but I have to use the rest room please excuse me" she smiled .She was so polite

Amber had gone to the bathroom and I was left once again with Darcy not that I had a problem it's just it was unbelievable how much time I spent with her.

"Niall is that you" a voice said in the distance. My head whipped around and my eyes landed to the brown mop of curls walking towards me

"Harry" I spoke suprised shit hopefully he doesn't reconize Darcy

"Yeah mate cute baby, what are you doing here" he asked playing with Darcy's hands making weird faces

"Ahhh ba ba ba ba " Darcy said

I looked around searching for something to say "jut uh eating ice cream" I smiled

I looked at Dracy and she looked at me

"Da-Da " Dracy smiled holding her hands out for me



word count 797

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