Chapter 11: Part 2; Help

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     Steven stared wide-eyed at his gem lying on the floor in front of Nora. She was still grinning.
     The gem started to glow white as Pink started to reform. In the middle of reformation, Nora angrily grasped the gem and thrusted it towards her stomach.
       "I need to be PINK DIAMOND!" She shrieked. It only poked her in the stomach and she frowned in disappointment and anger.
      Pink finished reforming. The horns, the tail, arms, splotches, were even bigger than when he was fused with him.
       Steven watched in horror as Pink started to grow in size, screaming and wailing. You could hear the dome had let loose now, and the footsteps of the gems racing downstairs, only to see the monster, Nora, and the human half of Steven.
        The Crystal gems rushed over to protect Steven.
       "I-I need-.. I-it.. I need P-Pink.." Steven whispered. The gems stood and stared in shock at Steven.
      "You need THAT?!" Pearl questioningly yelled.
      Steven slowly and weakly pulled up his shirt and the Gems looked at it in horror. His gem was gone. Then Steven pointed to the beasts stomach, where his gem lye.
      He slowly got enough energy to talk. "I was corrupted... a-and ran away so.. but then... twin came.." "Twin?!" They all looked back at Nora, who had a frightened look on her face.
       "Kept here... pulled out gem..." Steven managed to muster out.
       Suddenly, the beast ran towards the outside. "Steven we need to get you to a hospital!" Amethyst yelled over the abrupt roaring.
       Then nothing.

        Everything turned black as Stevens head fell to the floor. The sound of beeping in his head.

       Beep. Beeeep. Beeeeeeeep.

       Steven awoke in a hospital, that looked to be half smashed, and finally realized what the beeping sound was. He tried to get up, but collapsed back onto the hospital bed.
       "Oh! Steven, lay back down!" Mrs. Maheswaran frantically said, gently pushing Steven back to his bed.
      Connie raced in. "Steven, oh, you're alright!" She cheered, embracing Steven in a tight hug. "Connie! Let go! You know how fragile he is by looking at the reports earlier." Mrs Maheswaran scolded.
      "Sorry Mother." Connie sighed. "Steven started weakly laughing. "It's fine." He said.
      "No, it's not. Now we are going to leave you alone for a bit so you can get some rest." Mrs Maheswaran pulled Connie out the room.

      Steven turned to the window and saw the train wreck outside.

The Gems POV:

       They had been fighting that beast for ages, it was growing taller and bigger by the minute, and it soon grew to be twice the size of Alexandrite.
        They tore off a bit of horn, smashed down the tail, and had made a mark on its back. "This would probably be so easy with Steven.." Amethyst groaned.
      "That is Steven." Pearl yells, as they all turn to see the pink gem on the beasts stomach.

Meanwhile with Steven..

       Steven almost screamed, but remembered to keep his mouth shut. He stared as the beast fought and pummeled the city.

       I have to do something!

       Steven carefully and quietly opened the window, and hopped out.
       "Thank goodness we're on the first floor." He mumbled to himself. He started to run towards the beast, but tripped and fell. His legs were still very weak.

       "Okay, I'll just... crawl.." Steven sighed, getting on all fours and started to crawl among the rubble.

With the Crystal Gems.. again..
       Pearl shot beams of light out of her Spear, Amethyst tried but ultimately failed at wrapping her whip around one of the horns.
      Garnet steadied herself and looked at Steven with a fearful glance. The beasts tail had almost smashed down on Garnet.
      "What are we going to do?!" Pearl wailed.
      They stopped as they suddenly saw a small figure dressed in hospital attire crawling towards the Beast.


I feel so bad from a readers perspective. I also have a YouTube channel also called suf-fering in case you want to check out more SU stuff.
That's all,

Thank you!

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