Happy Valentine's Day

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a/n i love y'all

Eddie was walking home from school. After his mother had passed away from cancer, he had been living on his own and trying to survive on his own. It had gotten harder every day but he found ways to get through it. One of those ways was to start dating the legendary Richie Tozier he had fallen in love with since they were kids. He would smile to himself every time he thought of his dumb smile and sweet lips coated with the drug of love. He sparked a fire in Eddie ever since they first started dating. With the restraints of his mom's homophobia couldn't so much as see Richie but he would sneak out to do it anyways. By the time high-school was through, Eddie and Richie we're both already planning on dating after then. Eddie couldn't tell you the amount of times Richie had come to his mind during class. The amount of unholy thoughts he had thought during long quiet test sessions was uncanny. None the less, he was completely head over heels for the dumb, curly haired boy. He was too buried in his thoughts about Richie and realized he was at his front door. He struggled to get his keys out of his pocket with the groceries he had in hand. He eventually opened it and was greeted with roses petals and a note.

Hey Spaghetti welcome home. I have a little surprise for you so put down the groceries and follow the rose petals.

Eddie rolled his eyes and put the groceries away in the kitchen. The pictures of him and the Loser's were on the fridge. They had gone to a fair and all squeezed into a way too small picture booth. In some, either Stan was barely in it or Mike was falling out. Eddie giggled at the thought of that crazy night. How many times him and Richie were so close to kissing but ended up not. Eddie sighed and went back and began to follow the rose petals into the living room. He saw another small note and a teddy bear. It was on the couch and had a sweet red bow tie and a smile on its face.

How blissful our sex sessions were on this couch ;) Here's a teddy bear for my Eddie bear.

"Seriously Rich?" Eddie cringed and giggled at the note but took the bear anyways. He hugged it and it smelt like Richie's cologne. It wasn't too strong and it was one of the most calming smells he had ever smelt in his life. The amount of times Eddie had hugged and kissed Richie would send him into a whirlwind of love and a feeling of safety. He continued following the flowers while hugging the sweet bear. He couldn't help but smell it every two seconds in remembrance of his love. They lead him into the bathroom where a note lie on the toilet with a bouquet of roses.

You're the shit Eds. These is for you,
my rose.

"This dumbass." Eddie sighed and face palmed. He grabbed the roses none the less and started to follow the rose petals around and up the stairs. The smell of vanilla got stronger as he ascended the stairs. He smiled when they lead into his room but his door was shut. Eddie braced himself for what he was about to see. Richie could be cute but could ruin all of it by doing something utterly ridiculous. He slowly opened the door and was greeted with sweet music and the smell of candles. Luckily for Eddie, Richie sat with a big grin on his face and was holding a box of chocolates. His clothes were thankfully on. Eddie's heart beat faster at the sight of everything.

"Hey baby." Richie said softly smiling. Eddie giggled softly and set the bear and flowers down.

"How long did this take you?" Eddie asked crossing his arms. His heart still swooning at the sight of his lover.

"A bit. I was kinda scared you'd come home and I wouldn't be finished." Richie admitted sheepishly and set the box of chocolates down and stood up. He was wearing a button up shirt and a chain tucked underneath the collar. Eddie blushed at the height difference between them.

"You did wonderfully baby." Eddie kissed his cheek softly. Richie smiled and grabbed Eddie hands.

"Look I know that the world may look down upon us about the differences, but I want to spend eternity with you." Richie said softly. Eddie felt his face heat up and his heart began to flutter.

"They can come at us from all over the world but Id still risk everything to be with my Eddie, and with that being said.." Richie slowly, still holding Eddie's hands, got down on one knee. Eddie's hand immediately went to his mouth.

"Will you marry me?" Richie asked opening a ring box with the most radiant, beautiful ring. Eddie didn't even know what to do or say. He felt tears slip out and slowly nodded his head.

"Yes! Yes of course I'll marry you! Yes!" Eddie cried and hugged Richie tightly. Richie smiled happily and buried his face into Eddie. After Eddie pulled away, Richie put the ring on Eddie. Eddie kissed Richie deeply and Richie picked him up.

"I love you, Tozier." He mumbled into the kiss.

"I love you too."

a/n I know it's short but I wanted you to know to have a good Valentine's Day💗 and know you're loved by me😊

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