Chapter 8: Ashen Smith

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Caleb knew something was wrong when Night didn't return before dinner. Prince Liam, of course, had ensured that Caleb would despise the meal as much as possible, while the object of his affections, Night, would enjoy it. That being said, it concerned him deeply as well, making him ponder over where she would have gone. He had already checked all of the places she normally went, but she wasn't there, making him focus on her return.

On the other hand, Caleb was pacing around the castle grounds, attempting to find the mysterious girl. He walked along the wall surrounding the estate, keeping his eyes open for pitch-black hair. As night began to fall over the grounds, he gave up on his search and hopped down from the wall, surprising a few guards at the entrance. They straightened their posture and let out a whimper as they saw the foul mood the young man was in.

Caleb ignored them, instead, staring down anyone else that dared to cross his path. He almost got into a fight a couple of times as a royal guard would wander along near him and refuse to acknowledge his strength. He continued to the dining room, stomping his way down the halls.

He preferred to meander along the side halls like a vagabond with no real purpose as there were typically no people around. This made it easier for him to control his violent urges. As he made his way down one of the side halls, he noticed a large swarm of maids and butlers panicking around in a circle formation.

"Please, Lady Night, you must see the physician!" one woman begged.

Upon hearing her name, Caleb's eyes lit up and he snapped his head to see if it was who he knew as Ire. He shoved a few people out of his way, uncaring if they were harmed in the process and moved forward to push down on the girl's head. He aggressively shoved it downward in an attempt to express he didn't appreciate her disappearance.

"Where were you -," he growled before noticing the blood coming from her side, "Damn it. You went and got yourself in trouble, didn't you? Come on, I got you."

He slung her arm around his neck, supporting her before getting agitated and picking her up, bridal style. She groaned in pain and began to clutch at her stomach, trying to restrain her reactions to the pain. Her pride was getting the best of her as she tried to push herself away from the male and walk on her own.

"Quit moving," Caleb warned, his tone angered yet slightly concerned.

Ire found her head pushed down again by the boy as she refused to stop struggling in his grasp. She let out a groan in frustration but allowed him to carry her to his destination. That being said, she refused to let her guard down, snapping her head to any noise that resounded throughout the corridors. Even if it was so much as a little murmur from the servants, it didn't stop her from being highly suspicious.

"They're not going to attack you," a little Arthur said, peering from behind a corner of a wall, happy to see her alive, "I promise."

"Better safe than sorry," she grumbled.

The girl was given a glare by Caleb, who disapproved of her alert sensitivity. All he wanted was for her to relax, especially with the great loss of blood she'd been enduring for who knows how long. She seemed just as alert as ever, giving the redhead a scowl back. He seemed a bit taken aback, but the smallest hint of a smirk danced on his lips even as he tried to hide it.

As he made his way into the girl's room, he set her down on the bed and moved her to clearly see the blood seeping from her stomach. She had attempted to roll over to prevent him from seeing her wound. Not that she was in the power to be able to fight against him. All it took was to pin her hands by her side as he took a close look.

The injury wasn't a deep one nor did it cut into any vital organs, but it was quite spacely, making blood come out more easily. It was difficult for the boy to wrap her, especially since she struggled every time he tried to do so. She seemed firmly opposed to his assistance, even refusing to be helped by Arthur.

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