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The 1st of September was a day that Jungkook never celebrated. He wished he had never been born as it was his birth that led to the inevitable death of his parents. From what he was able to piece together through the first century of his life, Jungkook's parents were powerful. They were each pure-blooded, third-generation fairies. Each generation was stronger than the next and this union between them made other supernatural creatures fear Jungkook's power. As a result, on the day of his birth, a group of trolls decided that it was their 'duty' to kill his parents and kill Jungkook.

However, instead of killing Jungkook, they abducted him and raised him to be a slave, a servant for the clan of trolls for all of his immortal life. Jungkook found out later that they enjoyed the feeling of power. They enjoyed having a creature more powerful than they serve them. The anger that Jungkook felt was so strong, so blinding, but there was nothing he could have done. He never had the possibility to train his powers and he was too weak to go against them, especially when they outnumbered him by a lot. Any attempt to run away or fight was quickly destroyed until Jungkook accepted his fate.

He served the troll clan for around a century before their ultimate demise and he was taken in by a feral werewolf who made Jungkook serve him in every way possible. By then, Jungkook's anger and hope had been killed by the years of pain and abuse of the trolls' hands. He knew that there was nothing that could be done. He was weak and hopeless. He was only good for one thing: serving.

Jungkook served the werewolf for the whole length of his mortal life until he died of old age. The fairy felt no love for the man who had used and abused Jungkook, but he did feel lost. For the first time in his immortal life, Jungkook has no master, nobody to serve.

After his master's death, he wandered around his house for a few weeks before he finally ran out of food. Every corner of the house haunted him and after a terrible nightmare filled with the faces of all of those who had wronged him, Jungkook woke up abruptly with something burning in his chest. He wasn't able to put a name to the feeling as he had only known loneliness and pain for so long.

This burning consumed Jungkook and he couldn't handle it. He stumbled out of bed and ran down the stairs, almost falling down as he was so weak. He looked around frantically. For what? He didn't know. He only knew that when he spotted his late master's favourite lighter, there was only one thing he could do. He grabbed that lighter that just like any object in this house, held dark memories. The memory Jungkook associated with this lighter was the time it was used to burn the corner of his right-wing after he accidentally dropped tea on his master's shirt. Jungkook shook his head and tried to push away the dark thought as he felt the burning in his chest worsen.

He ran to the kitchen and stopped right in front of the stove. He robotically put his arm out and turned on all of the gas stoves. He watched the blue flames for a bit until the foul smell was too much to bear. For a split second, he thanked his master's paranoia as all the doors and windows were locked, meaning that all of the gas would be trapped inside the old house.

Jungkook walked out slowly of the kitchen and into the lounge room. This room was where Jungkook's memories were worst and he felt the burning from his nightmare come back in full force. Jungkook swallowed and slowly made his way to his late master's favourite couch. Jungkook was always forbidden to sit there so when he did, he felt a thrill go through his veins.

He sat there breathing in and out, occasionally flinching at the burning in his chest. Finally, when the foul smell reached the lounge and it surrounded all of Jungkook's being, he put the lighter in front of his face. He had been squeezing it so tight that Jungkook had its shape imprinted into his palm. He blinked once and softly brushed his thumb on the spark wheel.

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