CHAPTER 10: 25 years old

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"Has all the food been prepped? They know not to have anything seafood-related, right?? You know how much Joonie hates eating seafood. Why are the carpets not cleaned?! Do they know how important this night is?!" Hyuna stressed as she inspected every minuscule detail of the ballroom. Jungkook followed her quietly, trying not to laugh at her dramatics.

"Hyuna, everything is going to be okay. The boys will love it," Jungkook reassured her as he noticed that she was starting to really freak out. The queen sighed and looked at the fairy with worried eyes.

"It's the first time for eight years that they come back. What if they realize that life outside is better and they reject us? What if they don't recognize us?" The mother's worries made Jungkook's heart warm, you lucky boys have the best parents in the world.

"Hyuna, they won't reject you at all. They love you! And they've spent these whole eight years training to be kings. They want to come back. I promise you everything will go perfectly," Jungkook gently pet her hair as he used to when she was a child (though now he has to go on his tippy toes and fly slightly to reach her head).

After making sure she was truly okay, he told her to go get ready as the ball was only in a few hours. Jungkook couldn't help the giggle that came out at seeing Hyuna gasp in realization and run as fast as she could in heels.

The fairy made his way to his house where he also had to get ready.

I wonder if I'll recognize them. Will they recognize? It's been so long...

Jungkook felt the familiar feeling of worry creep in his throat as he tried to ignore it. He finally reached his house and immediately went to look for nice clothes to wear.

I need to look nice since many allies will be there. I also want to look good for the bo- What am I thinking?? They might not even love me anymore...

While Jungkook panicked, he didn't notice the box on the ground in front of his closet until he kicked it. The box was red with a white bow on it and a note on top saying "a future queen needs to look good ;) - H".

"That cheeky little girl," Jungkook said out loud as he laughed at the bold queen. He carefully pulled on the bow and opened the box.

"Woah..." The fairy let out at the sight of the beautiful dress. Inside was a two-piece dress that was dark blue and the top had crystals all over it that made it shine. To Jungkook, it looked like the night sky in a dress and his cheeks warmed when his first thought was I wonder if they'll like it...

Jungkook shook his head at the ridiculous thought and took a careful deep breath. Let's focus on the ball.


The ball had started 30 minutes ago and Jungkook was fluttering his way through to greet the guests. Jungkook knew a lot of them and was actually having fun talking to so many of his old friends. He was having a conversation with general Hwasa when he spotted a familiar face.

"Mingyu!" Jungkook called cheerful after excusing himself from the conversation with the general.

"Jungkook!" The now-king called back with a large smile as he looked the fairy up and down, "You look absolutely gorgeous," The king flirted as he bowed at the fairy and gently kissed his hand.

Jungkook giggled shyly as he also took in the dragon's appearance.

"You look very handsome as well," The fairy politely answered making Mingyu blush slightly and his smile widened.

"Well I was on my way to get a drink but I'll be right back!" The king promised as he fast-walked towards the bar. Jungkook chuckled at Mingyu's excited nature but stopped abruptly once he heard the familiar sound of trumpets.

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