CHAPTER 6: 14 years old

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"Enemies," Taehyung started seriously, his voice low and grave due to puberty, "As princes, we will encounter many enemies. And today," He looked at his brothers who were sitting around a table, looking at him with serious expressions, "Today we meet our first enemy."

Yoongi growled and stood up quickly, his chair moving back so fast it fell down.

"This is ridiculous! What are we doing here wasting time when we should be over there stopping him!" He hissed, glaring at Namjoon who was sitting down calmly at the head of the table.

"Yoongi. I understand your frustrations, but we must plan before acting." The purple-haired vampire answered calmly. Yoongi mumbled swear words under his breath but agreed and sat back down.

"I think we should challenge him to a duel," Hoseok stated. The others looked at him with wide eyes at his words, his first words of this whole meeting. Hoseok had not talked once, only listened as the others brainstormed but after careful thinking, he knew this was the right idea.

"I agree," Jin defended him when he saw Namjoon open his mouth to argue.

"Me too," Jimin added.

Namjoon looked around and saw Yoongi and Taehyung nod along to their words, their eyes burning with the need to act and fight. Namjoon sighed but decided to go along with it.

"Fine," He conceded, a frown on his face as he calculated how they could win, "This is our plan...."



"Boys, we have an important guest who is coming today so please get dressed quick and come downstairs to the gate," Hyuna ordered, quickly stepping out of their room to go prepare things for their guest.

"Guest? I didn't know we had a guest." Jimin frowned as he looked to Namjoon for answers, frowning even more when he had to look up even more than before. Ever since they started going through puberty, all of the boys were starting to change and all of them, except Yoongi and Jimin, were getting taller. Stupid tall people.

"It must be a last-minute decision kinda thing," Namjoon hypothesized as he quickly got dressed and waited for the others to finish to walk to the gate.

As they walked towards the gate, they were all surprised to see Jungkook also waiting at the gate.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, confused but happy to see the fairy. Jungkook was known for not really socializing unless he needed to and they had never seen him be there to greet any sorts of guests unless it was a king or queen.

"Hello, boys!" Jungkook said cheerfully, his smile making them all blush slightly as they all murmured greetings back. "The guest today is a crown prince so it is important that I greet him."

"To make good relations?" Namjoon asked with stars in his eyes as he looked at his idol. Jungkook's eyes became mischievous at the question and he smiled slightly.

"No. To remind him that I'll always be there to protect Kingdom Seven and that he shouldn't get any funny ideas when he becomes king." The boys stared at the fairy in shock as it had been the first time he'd ever said something so dark. So hot~ Yoongi and Jin sighed internally as they admired his rebellious expression that they never see on the perfect fairy's face.

"Boys get ready! He's about to come." The boys quickly stepped forward beside their parents and put their back straight in perfect posture. Jungkook stood slightly behind them, but close enough that the guest would see him.

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