Chapter 8: What Are You Scared Of?

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"Might want to wake him up. We're about to head out." Henry said to us as he gestures towards Joel, who was asleep on the couch. Elliot and I nod and we go over to Joel, Elliot taps Joel's shoulder. He wakes up and looks up at us. "He says it's time to go." Elliot said. Joel stares at us then nods as he starts to get up while Henry and Sam talk amongst each other.

"Now we're gonna be moving fast, okay? So no matter what, you stick to me like glue." Henry said to Sam. "Like glue." Sam and Henry said in unison. "Got it." Sam said. "Good. Good." Henry said as he pats Sam's shoulder while we walk over to them. "Alright, y'all ready?" Henry asked us. "Yeah." Joel replied. "Okay." Henry said as he goes over to another door and opens it.

"All right, y'all stay close, okay?" Henry said as he walks out of the room, Sam, Elliot and I follow him. "You tried this before?" Joel asked him as we walk out of the office. "Uh, yeah." Henry said, uncertain. "That's comforting." Joel mutters and I smirk at this. "Relax, old man." Henry said to him. "I just hope you know the way." Joel mutters as we wall into another room and Henry gestures towards a door on the side. "This way." He said and it leads to some stairs, which leads all the way down to the bottom floor.

"Okay, let's try to take them out quietly. I'll follow your lead." Henry said to Joel. "Alright." Joel replied as be and  Henry walk up to the two hunters standing there, with their backs to them. They talk to each other until the boys jump up, grabbed them and strangle them until they passed out. 

Then we crouch walk outside and hide behind some barriers as the hunters had a large spotlight shining over the block. They shot a Clicker that was off in the behind us. The light would swoop over the street as we scurry behind some abandoned cars and concrete walls. Finally, we make it to the side where we could get a good angle at the guy that had control of the turret. 

Joel pulls out his arrow and bow then pulls the arrow back. He raises the bow and aim it at the man in control of the gun and fired it, the arrow hitting the man in the head. Then the other hunters started to freak out when they see their friend dead, which prompted Joel and Henry pulls out their guns and start a shootout with these hunters. 

Finally, the last hunter was dead when Henry said. "Alright, we did it." Joel goes up to the gate door then turns to Henry. "Henry, give me a hand with this." He said and the two men goes to open it when I heard a familiar noise behind us. I look over and see the humvee is driving up to us. "Ah, shit." I said in shock. The men look over and see the humvee coming. "Oh, no. Hurry, c'mon." Joel said as they get the door open and we run inside. Then Henry and Joel shut the door and lock it and we run away from the door.

"Keep your eyes open, we ain't out of this mess yet." Joel said as we come up to a large container. "Alright, check it out." Joel said as he boosts Henry up to a ladder that was hanging off the top edge of the container. Henry climbs up then looks around. "We're good. Sam, let's go." Henry said. "Alright, kid. C'mon." Joel said and he boosts Sam up. Sam grabs the ladder, climbs up and Henry pulls him up. 

"Oh shit." Henry mutters as a voice yells. "Open the gate!"

Joel turns to Elliot and I then gestures for us to hurry. "Hurry, hurry!" Joel said to us as he helps boost me up. I get up and grab the ladder but of course the ladder breaks. "(Y/n)!" Joel and Elliot yelled as Henry grabs my hand and pulls me up while the ladder falls off completely. 

"Move outta the fucking way. We're gonna ram it. Go!" We hear a hunter yell.
"Okay, we gotta get them up." I said as Sam and Henry look down. Henry keeps pacing across the top then looks down at us. "I'm sorry. We're leaving." He said. "What?" Sam asked Henry. "What? This is bullshit!" I yelled as Henry and Sam start to run off. "What the fuck, Henry?" I screamed just as we heard the gun from the humvee goes off. "Oh shit." Joel mutters in fear just as I jump down next to the boy. "We stick together." I said and we start to run towards a building and Joel pulls up a garage door.

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