Chapter 5: Lincoln

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We walk along the highway until Joel speaks up. "Now there we go..." he said as he points at a water tower, which had the words Lincoln on it. We walked over to the railing and looked down at the woods. "C'mon, it'll be faster to go through here." Joel said and he hops over the railing then Elliot and I follow suit.

"Man..." Elliot and I whisper as we look around at the environment. "What?" Joel said. "Nothing. It's just...we've never seen anything like this, that's all." Elliot replied. "You mean the woods?" Joel asked us. "Yeah. Never walked through the woods. It's kinda cool." I said and Elliot nods as we continue to walk.

"Why don't you just take us back to Marlene?" Elliot asked Joel. "If she was up to the task, why'd she drop you off on us?" Joel asked him "Well, maybe she's better now." I replied, shrugging. "Kids, I don't mean to upset you two, but your friend's chances of survival weren't too high to begin with." Joel said to us. "She's a lot tougher than you think." I retort.

"It don't matter. 'Cause I doubt I could get either of us back into the city in one piece. Trust me. I wish there was some other option." Joel said as made it through the woods and up to a gate.

Joel goes to open it but it was locked. "Well shit." He mutters. "Should we climb it?" Elliot asked and Joel looks up to see barbed wires all along the top. "No, wire on top of it. We gotta find a way to go around." He said as he pointed it out to us. Joel goes over to the side until I stopped and saw some actual fireflies surrounding me.

"Whoa, look." I said and Joel and Elliot turn around and see that I was surrounded by the firefly bugs. "Fireflies. I mean, real fireflies." I said, in awe. "Yeah, we see that." Joel said as a Elliot smiles at me. "That's cool." Elliot said and I look over at him as he gives me a loving smile. "Sorry, I...I lost myself for a sec." I said as I shake my head. "Come on, Firefly girl." Elliot said to me and I shrug and follow them.

Joel runs up to this old air conditioner then climbs on top of it then up the roof. Elliot and I follow him as Joel found a wooden plank leaning against the side of the building. He picks it up then brought it over to lay across the gap between the building we were on to the building that was on the other side of the fence.

We walk across it when I look up to see smoke rising up in the far distance. "That you, Bill?" Joel mutters. "Where do you usually meet him?" Elliot asked him. "Different places." Joel replied as we walk along the rooftop. "You never been here, have you?" I asked. "I know this is where he lives,, I've never been here personally." Joel replied to me.

"And that smoke, you think that's him?" Elliot asked. "Sure as hell better be." Joel said. "Well, let's go check it out then." I said. "Alright, come on." Joel sid as we jump down from the roof and walked down a steep hill. "Down here. Watch your step; it's a good drop." Joel warned us as the hill leads us to another rooftop. 

Then we head down and come upon a gate. "Oh, shit. It's jammed from the other side." Joel mutters and I look up to see a gap at the top. "Here, boost me up." I said and Joel looks up at the gap. "Hmm, I don't know." Joel said and I roll my eyes. "Well, what other choice do we have?" I asked him and he sighs then turns around and cups his hands. I place my foot in his hand then he boosts me up to the gap and I climb up and jump over it then land in front of the door and pull the pipe off of the handle and open the door.

"And vola." I said and Joel rolls his eyes at me as he and Elliot walk through the door. "So, let's say we get a car from this buddy of yours. Then what?" Elliot asked Joel as we continue through the empty street. "Well, then we go find Tommy." Joel replied. "Marlene said he's your brother." I said and Joel nods. "And more importantly he was a Firefly. He'd know where to take you." He said. "Oh, okay." Elliot and I murmur. "He lives far from here which is why we need the car." Joel said as we come up to a yard and see a bunch of garden gnomes.

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