Chapter 10: You Have To Tell Us What To Do

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"So, let me see if I get it straight. If you mess up your fourth down, then you give the ball to the other team?" Elliot asked Joel as we come up to the parking lot of the campus. Joel decided a while back was to teach us about this game called football. "Right, it's called turnover." Joel said to him. "And if you clear the ten yards then you're back at...first down?" I said, questionable. "First down, that's right." Joel replied, smiling.

"Man, it's confusing." Elliot said and I chuckled as I nodded in agreement. "You just gotta play it a couple of times. It'll all make sense." Joel replied to us as we get inside the campus.

"Okay. None of these buildings look like a mirror to me." Elliot said as we look around at the buildings. "Well, we'll head to central grounds. Should be able to see most of the campus from there." Joel said as we come up to a small building and Joel stops. "Stay, Callus." He said to the horse as he gets down. 

"What kind of name is Callus anyway?" He asked me. "Not my fault you forgot to ask Tommy his name." I said while Joel just grumbles under his breath and goes to look inside of the building for any supplies.

"So, these places...people would live here and just study? Even though they were all grown up?" Elliot asked Joel as he gestures towards the campus once Joel came back. "Yeah, study, party, and find themselves. Figure out what they wanted to do with their lives." He replied. "What they wanted to do with their lives." I mutter as Joel gets on Callus and I follow him with our horse, Fiona.

"There was a lookout here." Joel said to us as he points up towards the top of the building. "That's a good sign." Elliot said as we galloped deeper into the university. "That's a giant ram. You guys were like some idol worshippers." I said as I point at a large banner we passed. "When it came to sports? Hell yeah." Joel said, chuckling.

"Hey, over there. Is that it?" Elliot asked as he points at a large shiny building off in the distance. "Hmm. It does look like a giant mirror." I said as we look at the building.
"How many people you think are there? Fireflies, I mean." Elliot asked Joel. "Reckon it takes quite a crew to run that operation." Joel replied.

"You think there'll be other people our age?" I asked. "Ahh...we're not sure." Joel replied when Callus and Fiona, suddenly, get spooked as we enter a building.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...what is it?" Joel asked the horses as we hear some noises upstairs. "Sounds like runners." Elliot said and Joel jumps off of the horse. "Stay with the horses." He said. "I'll go check it out."

"Are you sure?" Elliot and I asked him. "Yes. I don't want them runnin' off. I'll be right back." Joel said to him and he walks over to the gate that's blocking our way to the rest of the campus.

I look around the building and started to think, if the world didn't end, would I go to a place like this? Go and study, party and hang out with friends? Would I be dating a boy or go out with hundreds of boys? Would I have met Riley or Elliot? Would Elliot and I ever be together?

So many questions were running through my head when I hear a humming noise. I jolt out of my thoughts as I realized that Joel must've found a generator somewhere and turned it on.

"Hey, I was thinking...I would've wanted to be an astronaut." Elliot said as Joel came back down the stairs and pushes the button by the gate, which opens. "That a fact?" Joel said, questionable, to him. "Yeah. Can you imagine being up there all by yourself? Would've be cool. I'm just sayin'." He said as Joel gets back on the horse and we take off.

"What about you, (y/n)?" Joel asked me. "I don't know to be honest. But I know I would like to travel. You know, just to see the world? I bet it was nice before everything went to shit." I said and Joel nodded.

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