Chapter Three: The Cumberland House

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Mason laid back against the wool couch, basking in the concentrated heat from the window that somehow managed to find its way inside the house. Hannah was loudly hitting a small plastic hammer against two smaller wooden blocks that their father had carved the year before, nearly deafening to Mason.

His father stood near her, egging her on to try to nail the blocks together, something that Hannah took with great enthusiasm. His father, a rather small and slim black rabbit, had always wanted to build a house, and indeed, some of the sheds, however hurriedly and horribly they were put up, were put there by his father.

Mason cringed as the blunt hammer slowly but steadily started to degrade with each hit, but he did note that she had some force behind that small swing, managing to actually chip a small, and by no exageration really small, nugget of wood from the block, their father triumphantly raising his sleek black fur arms and grinning broadly.

Monica stood by the doorway, scrolling through Youtube while looking for the latest makeup tutorial despite not actually caring for makeup. She was wearing a light grey T-shirt to match her fur, and had a short pair of denim shorts on.

Their mother was busy working in the kitchen, making their favorite meal, boiled corn lathered in butter and sprinkled with salt. Mason's nose twitched as he smelled the corn start to boil, his stomach beginning to rumble.

"Why don't you go and grab me something, hmm? I don't know what, nor that I care," His father began, picking up Hannah and placing her on his right leg, "But some salad would be nice?" Mason sighed again.

"Sure thing dad."

As Mason walked to the kitchen, his phone buzzed, alerting him to a new message. He grabbed a head of lettuce from the fridge, and then a knife. He placed his phone against the kitchen counter as he began to cut it.

Yeen- Hey man!! When are we going to go out tonight??

His friend Axel asked him, saved in Mason's contacts as Yeen for simplicity's sake. Mason smiled as he read it, but quickly returned his attention to the board as he nearly cut his own finger while reading it.

He didn't take his eyes off the head again until it was reduced to small leaves and a white stem. He saved the white stem to throw to the feral animals that enjoyed their leftovers, and returned to the fridge to get ranch. His phone rang again as he returned.

Leo- i'm not planning on anything let's go fishing maybe

His other friend that was part of their group, Marissa, whom he had said he change the contact name from her old name, but never got around to it. It had gotten to the point that she didn't really care anymore, just as long as she could still tease him about his mistakes.

Her abhorrent spelling didn't go unnoticed by Axel or Mason, but since she never seemed to listen to their complaints, nor tried to fix it, it just became a normality. Mason swiftly replied.

Mason- We can't go fishing. We can't fish for shit, and besides, you'd want to throw it back into the water.

Vulgarity aside, Mason was right. Marissa, despite being an actually capable fisher, always threw the fish back into the water despite being a lion and being naturally predisposed to meat. Mason gripped the bowl of lettuce, tomato that his mom added, and ranch, he headed back into the living room to hand it back to his dad.

His phone buzzed three more times before he answered it, nearly being tripped by Monica on his way outside.

Leo- thats not true i can prove it to you to

Yeen- Can't you just fish by yourself? Tagging us along is like bringing a cheetah to a race against sloths, we all knows whats gonna happen.

Leo- but u can get better though and you have gotten better though

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