chapter 13: a living nightmare

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(A/N: Hello everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while. But don't worry I'm updating my stories with two chapters each. So hope you enjoy them talk to y'all later)

Rowan felt his eyes being shined by something. He groans but all of a sudden he felt cold. He brought his arms to grab the blanket. But there was no blanket. Rowan felt grass as he laid down his arms. Rowan up his eyes and got up. He looked around he was in a forest and it was night time.

"What the heck! Why am I in a forest," He then gets up from the ground. He looks at himself. He is in his armor. "I thought I took these off," He looks around and sees his sword impale in a tree. He took it out. " where is moonset." Then something from above hits him on the head. "Owwwwww!!! Why!??!" He looks at the ground and it's moonset. "Ok I'm in a different world or this is all a dream," He then thinks of a huge banana and it doesn't appear.

"Ok, not a dream I think," Rowan sees a hill outside of the forest. "Maybe the high ground will help me," He walks out of the forest and goes up the hill. He sees smoke as he walks up the hill. "Maybe a campfire," He gets up the hill. He is shocked beyond belief.

He sees Oriano the center of the world on fire. There is a huge black smoke cloud hovering over the city wall.

"Speed boost," He makes speed glphys  heading to the gate and after a few minutes. He is at the entrance into the city. The gate is closed but it's one of those see-through gates with square holes. Rowan is shocked to see blood on the concrete pavement floor and dead bodies of people, adventures were behind them dead with their weapons scattered on the floor. He sees many people's hands sticking out of the square holes blood dripping from their hands.

Rowan is horrified by this but shakes it off. He needs to know what happen. He makes a levitating glyph under his feet with moonset. He then levitate's it and makes it go up wall and he makes it. He looks all across Orario all the building to the babel we're on fire. He heard screams of people calling for help and He hears a monster roaring in the distance.

He looks down below and sees wyverns, infant dragons, silverbacks, orcs, war shadows, imps, orcs roaming the streets terrorizing the people below. He also sees people fighting back. He drops from on top of the wall down. He sees an infant dragon going in for the kill against an adventure defending a family.

"Lighting!" It hits the dragon. He lands in front of the people. "Speed boost." Rowan runs forward and having speed he jumps at the dragon with his sword. Cutting through the dragon neck chopping its head off. He looks behind him.

"Thank you- wait, Rowan!" The black hair boy said. 

"Yes, who might you be," Rowan says looking at him

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"Yes, who might you be," Rowan says looking at him. "No time for jokes Rowan it's Raul?" Rowan shakes his head. "Sorry I don't know you,"

Raul sighs "you must of hit your head, Rowan. You have been missing for months then this happens," he says.

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