Through classes and Yang's confession

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In your dorm we see you getting up out of bed as you got dressed and your uniform and thought about wearing it.

(Y/N): Should I? Nah.

You then pull out a match and burned your uniform and flushed the ashes in the toilet.

(Y/N): I'd be caught dead wearing that.

We then see you and the others at professor port's class. Then you saw Yang as you blushed but shook it away at that.

(Y/N): *thinking in your head* Why does this keep happening? Why do I keep blushing when I see Yang?

Then Yang saw you.

Yang: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): *while not looking* Hey.

We then see you sleeping in class while port was telling his 'amazing' stories.

Ruby: why is (Y/N) sleeping in class?

Yang: I don't know though I have to admit he does look cute when he's asleep.

Port: Mr.(L/N)!

(Y/N): *opens up one of his eyes* what? What is it?

Port: Were you sleeping in my class?

(Y/N): *sarcastically* No I was just thinking with my eyes shut. Of course I was sleeping, cause your stories were putting me to sleep you old codger.

The class was shocked to hear that you actually had the guts to tell Port his stories were boring including Weiss.

Port: W-what?

(Y/N): Oh come on everyone thinks your stories are boring including the rest of class right show of hands if you think his stories are boring.

We then see a lot of hands were raised indicating that his stories are boring.

(Y/N): Point made, if anyone needs me I'll be in the cafeteria.

You then went out of the class room leaving a stunned port and a team RWBY mostly weiss. We see you sitting at a table having your lunch then we see Yang walk to the table you were at as you saw her you began to blush red as you turned your face to keep her from seeing your blushing face.

(Y/N): Y-Y-Yang. W-W-What are you doing here?

Yang: I just came to see how your doing.

(Y/N): I-I'm f-fine. T-t-thanks for asking.

Next we then see you and the others in Glynda's class with you once again sleeping in her class.

Weiss: Does that guy sleep through the whole day?

Blake: From the looks of it, he does.

Good witch: Mr.(L/N)!

(Y/N): *opens one of his eyes* What?

Good witch: Were you sleeping in my class?

(Y/N): No I was thinking with my eyes closed. You know Goodwitch I was thinking, why do you carry your riding crop? What's the point of that?

Good witch: To be prepared for an attack.

(Y/N): Well there's no attack, are there any other reasons? Huh?

Good witch: Cause it's tied to my semblance.

(Y/N): Do it.

Good witch: what?

(Y/N): Drop your weapon.

Good witch: No.

(Y/N): Why not?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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