Chapter 4

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A/n i lived
Charon scouted for the pizza from the roof of the building, it took a while, but the pizza guy got there. Charon crawled down the front of the building, directly in the pizza guys line of sight, and stopped in front of the delivery man. “Say! Come pay for the pizza you ordered, and be careful on the trampoline! We don’t want you falling off the roof!

“Look, Charon, If i fall or jump down i’ll be fine, just watch me!” Say shouted, before doing a flip off the roof, landing perfectly in front of the pizza guy, and not having broken any bones at all.

Kenneth stared down from the roof at Say. “Have I told you yet? I’m pretty sure you’ve broken both Newton’s third law and the law of Inertia. And the laws of physics.”

“Does it look like I care about the laws of physics and all that logic stuff?” Say asked Kenneth, while pulling out her wallet and paying the poor little pizza guy who just witnessed who knows whatever that was.

Mothku had also fallen asleep on the porch, while clinging to the wall so the poor pizza guy watched gravity fall into pieces as well while just trying to earn his 11.25 dollars an hour delivering pizza to random mansions in the middle of nowhere. “Zzzz, Zzzz.”

The pizza guy ran off in fear, but that was to be expected.

“... so, can we eat now?” Kenneth asked, like he had forgotten all that just went down in this Chilli’s.

“I mean you’d have to gather everyone. I have to wait out here til’ Mothku wakes up, and tells me who else is coming today or if the rest of the people are coming tomorrow.” Say explained, gesturing with her hands to the peacefully sleeping moth.

*Well, I think most of us are here, I also think you should be careful on the trampoline, but that’s a different story.* Stephanie signed, then pointed at the roof. Stephanie, however looked like she was actually concerned that Say could get hurt, and not saying things as a joke. Stephanie has been really respectful. So far. So far.

“Aight so who is going to awaken the beast?” Arc asked, hopping around the Moth child.

“I’ll wake her. Though she might be mad if I wake her up like I plan to.” Charon smiled, waiting for confirmation from the others to see if he should wake Mothku. Arc and Hyper were hopping up and down in anticipation, Say facepalmed, Chris shrugged, Henry was confused but agreed anyways, Kenneth was aggressively nodding his head up and down, Nancy had an evil grin on her face and patiently waited for what would happen next, Norman was nowhere to be seen, Stephanie was just staring off in the distance, not having heard Charon, as she is deaf, and Novo simply nodded. With this, Charon went to Mothku, held her in his arms, and went close to her ear. “IT’S THE APOCALYPSE!!! OFFICE PRODUCTS FALLING FROM THE SKY!!!” He screamed as loud as possible, which resulted in him getting a slap in the face and a lecture immediately.

“REALLY? You couldn’t have awoken me lightly? I was dreaming of SILKWORMS AND YOU SCREAM ABOUT OFFICE PRODUCTS? Oh the pizza’s here. Ok.” Mothku quickly calmed down, after screeching at Charon. “I think the others are going to arrive tomorrow.”

“...Say, can I please eat pineapple pizza today?” Arc quietly asked, only to earn a quick response from Say.

“Only one piece. Because you’ve been good today.” Say sighed, shrugging.

Arc made an UwU face in response.

“Wait, but aren’t you going to dip your crust in pineapple juice?” Novo asked, with a confused expression drawn on his face.

“Of course!” Arc smiled at the dentist. “By the way, do you have any mint flavored dental floss? If so, where is it? There’s no reason in particular for my asking, I'm just curious.” The smile on Arc’s face turned to a grin.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have the flavored kind,” He lied. “Well, i mean i have some you can have, but it's poisonous if you ingest it.” He said, lying about the poison. “Besides, it looks like you already floss and use toothpicks, based on the quality of your teeth. They could use a brushing though. Make sure you brush at least twice a day but preferably after every meal.” He explained, doing a teeth brushing motion with his hands.

“Okay! I’ll brush my teeth more often, but i’m pretty sure i’m immune to poison with the amount of times people have tried to poison me. But they should already know You Can’t Kill Me Off.”

“Arc no murder.” Say sighed heavily

“Awwwwww!” Arc responded.

“So, like, are we gonna eat or…” Hyper quietly asked the group. Hyper’s stomach growled.

“We should probably wake everyone up first. I’ll take care of Norman, someone should probably get the Elsners. And AoAPP.” Charon said, before Mothku interupted.

“And Ms. Days, She moved in while you guys were waiting for the pizza.” Mothku explained, gesturing her wings to the seventh floor. “Both Nancy and Days are on the seventh floor, so someone’s gotta go up and get them. Kennith do you wanna help set the table?” Mothku asked, tilting her head.

“I’m right here ya know. Also I'm pretty sure you’re gonna need at least 8 people to wake up Greg. Just saying.” Henry responded.

*I can wake up Greg by myself. I have the power of god and anime on my side.* Stephanie tried to contribute to the conversation.

“Okay, but people still need to get the others.” Mothku said, fluttering her wings

*So, Charon, are you, like, a god at sign language? Say is basically god of s t r o n k.* Stephanie asked Charon.

“Dang right I am.” Say shouted in the background.

*“Kind of? I climb walls so that’s also a plus”* Charon signed and said aloud.

“Charon, go get Noman. Say, Arc, get everyone on the seventh floor. Kenneth start setting the table. Stephanie, *Go wake up Greg and tell him the food is here.*” Mothku walked inside with Kenneth to start setting the table.

Stephanie made her way to the 6th floor, and opened the door to Greg’s room. Stephanie cleared her throat, waiting for a second before doing what the sleeping Greg was not prepared for in the slightest. “MINING AWAY! I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO MINE I’LL MINE THIS ANYWAYS-”

“OH MY GOD JUST SHUT UP- *oh, hey Steph, what’s up?”* *The food’s here, Greg, the pizza has arrived. Now get up.* Stephanie signed as she ran back down the stairs.

“So, how’d it go?” Mothku’s wings fluttered.

*Let’s just say that Greg isn’t even the slightest bit tired any more.*

“Bring death upon me my ears hurt” Greg said to Mothku as he stumbled down the stairs.

“Ah, yes, I can share your pain, my friend. I blame Charon for my painful awakening, though.” Mothku chuckled.

“I’m gonna sit down now.” Greg says, taking a random seat at the table. He started having some small talk with Kennith, who was helping Mothku.

Then a fluffy haired girl walked down the stairs.

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