Chapter 6

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 Nancy was then walking down, seeing AoaPP and asked, "Say, Obsequious, Charon, where did you find those cookies? They look very good."

"I made em, wanna try one?" Obsequious offered the woman, who was standing at the bottom of the staircase. "We have no-bake, and chocolate chip."

She came up and took the chocolate chip cookie and then had a bite, "This is as good as it seems."

"THE KRUSTY-KRAB IS UNFAIR! MR. KRABS IS IN THERE! STANDING IN HIS CONCESSION! PLOTTING HIS OPPRESSION!" Say shouted, the three other people in the room were very confused, until they saw a horde of people falling down the stairs to collect their cookies.

"MY GOD!" Nancy cried, looking at all the falling teenagers, seeing them made her think of chickens falling off roofs.

"Did I hear a war cry of collecting cookies?!" Kennith asked happily, almost forgetting about his minecraft base.

Nancy nodded, "They really love their cookies!" Nacy then got out of the way for the cookie collecting raid.

"We should eat the cookies fast, or save them for later, because it's almost time to jump off the roof!" Arc jumped around the kitchen.

"Be careful." The moth girl fluttered her wings, it was as if she had appeared from nowhere.

"OOooOOooh, YOU can fly, do you wanna jump off the roof with us? It'll be more fun for you, plus wouldn't it be nice to stretch your wings?" Arc asked Mothku, adding reasoning to the question because he knew she would say no.

"Perhaps it would be good to fly for a bit, but I do not intend to jump off of a roof with you. I'm sorry, Arc." The insect apologized.

Nacy watched as they all ate their cookies and saved some for later. "Why jump off a roof? Isn't dangereuse? You could hurt yourself, even on this height of a house."

"UH YEAH IT'S LIKE 8STORIES HIGH?" Henry said, his voice filled with worry.

"Okay boomers." Arc said, with a smirk on his face as he looked directly into Henry and Nancy's eyes.

"Unfortunately, there is no stopping them. We already have tried." Mothku sighed. Mothku soon disappeared from the eyes of the remaining people. Now, Obsequious was just trying to clean up any mess that was left in the kitchen.

"If any of you break any limbs then I'll pay for the hospital bills, but y'all are gonna clean the house. Except for the one who breaks their limb. That person needs proper rest and care." She looked at the crew before speaking again. "And if 1 person breaks a limb, then you people can't go breaking your limbs just so you don't have to clean."

Nancy nodded, "So do you hear that or not?" She asked everyone, strictly.

"Okay, MOM." Arc sighed out dramatically before the group moved up the staircase, obviously, to the trampoline.

Nancy then went over to the left over cookies and ate a few, "I bet they wouldn't listen, one will fall and break a limb and then quickly another, then another, and then ANOTHER. The one thing I hope is that Arc will break all his limbs FOR GOOD so he doesn't do the worst ideas and make the others join him."

"Um, I might be confused but did you just say that you wanted Arc to lose all motor skills? I'd prefer if that didn't happen." Say said, giving Nancy a 'what the hell' look.

Mothku fluttered her wings once again. "Well, now I kind of want to fly, ;-;." She said, earning a confused look from Hyper..

"How did you say that emoticon out loud???" Hyper asked, fear filling her eyes.

Nancy didn't care, but then she looked at a knife and grabbed it. "What to do with this?" She muttered, softly.

"Nancy, stabbing people is not recommended," Mothku said.

"Nancy, I will remove your teeth privileges. You know for a fact I've the tools to do so," Novo said, giving an evil smile to Nancy.

Say crossed her arms, and glared. "I'm still upset about what you said about Arc." She huffed. Mothku gave her a comforting pat on the back, before Say opened her mouth again. "That really is terrible. How would you like to not be able to Sew or do any of your hobbies, or even move, ever again?"

Suddenly, Charon was there. "Say, aren't you immune to fall damage? Is Arc also immune?"

Say responded with a nod. "Doesn't mean he won't be hurt if he lands on something. I'd prefer him not to be impaled."

"I'LL BE IMPALED IF I WANT TO!!!!!" Arc cried out from the roof.


"I DON'T CARE ANYMOOORE!!" Arc screamed, clearly, he was upset, but he didn't want to let Say win this battle.

"WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?!?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Say squealed. If she couldn't stop him, then she would join him by screeching convincingly funny vines in his general direction.

Nancy ignored them and put the knife in her pocket without anyone seeing. "I'll use you sometime later." She giggled softly. Then went over to Say and stared at her, "Why do you care about Arc? I mean, he is a criminal mastermind and an idiot as well."

"He's my brother?. Yeah, sometimes he isn't the best, but I would die for him. He is the only person who I've known long enough to be able to trust him with my life. If I were in danger, he would sacrifice himself, yes that thought scares me. A lot. But it makes me happy to know that he is safe and that he cares. I saw that knife, Nancy. If you try anything you won't be living another day. Mark. My. fucking. Words." Say glared daggers into Nancy. Say was..... Overprotective.....

"OKAY NOW KISS" Arc yells from the rooftop.

Say laughed, before death glaring at the woman again. "You are on thin ice, and I have my ways of murder while keeping my hands clean, don't test me." Say smiled again. "Arc, very funny, but what about you and Charon?" She joked. Sometimes Say wondered if Arc ever forgot exactly how much they mean to each other. She looked up at the roof, happy to see he got along so easily with the others.

Nancy looked at Say, then grinned, "We'll see who has great murder in their blood." Then suddenly showed a polite smile before she walked over to the sofa and relaxed, hearing all the different colors around her.

"Hey i heard your question!" Kennith appeared beside Nancy. "Answer is me. Anyways have a nice day!" He says, throwing a potato wrapped in tinfoil in the microwave.

『Say, I Could Make A  Perfect World 』Where stories live. Discover now