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Now there are a variety of cases for a vet. Animals don't fall sick every time, they get injured as well and their injuries are serious because they fight for territory or food with one another or are trying to satisfy their curiosity. The animals' behavior starts to change, they usually become aggressive or less active - they get tired really soon right after doing any physical activity.


During the rains or sudden change in the climate animals tend to get sick, they stop having their meals and water, this would cause dehydration and fatigue or weight loss. A 4 months old kitten was getting a specific amount of saline - she had stopped eating food and drinking water, a golden retriever had his blood test done as there was a drop in his platelet count and a male cat had a digestion problem due to which he had become very aggressive. A male Labrador suffers from autoimmune disease and night-blindness, his skin was peeling and nails were deformed.


Just like humans, animals are prone to infections too. Male Doberman with an eye infection was given eye drops to reduce irritation and growth of the infection. A kitten had its eye scratched which caused swelling and oozing of pus, it had to be disinfected and cleaned with cold water and with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial eye drops. The male cat was throwing out whatever it ate and so was put on IV fluids and was dewormed later.


When situations get worse or when exterior treatment doesn't help then we have to go for surgery. Male Labrador had major ear surgery and had come for redressing. Beagle had an eye operation and was given an e-collar, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial eye drops. 2 cats had come one for dental extraction and the other for neutering; after the surgery, they were put on antibiotic and IV fluids for faster recovery from anesthesia.  

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