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Katniss Everdeen.

We have all heard that name right?

You know, the girl who won the 74th Hunger Games with Peeta Mellark and the 75th Hunger Games as well? Then she went on to overthrow the capital and bring peace to Panem?

Yeah, the only truth to that tale is that she won the 74th Hunger Games with Peeta. I mean, sure, she was in the quarter quell as well, but she barely escaped with her life, and she did next to nothing during the rebellion, unlike everyone says.

There was a war though, that happened between the Capital and the districts. The different districts fought as one and pretty well too, but the capital was just stronger.Districts 5, 8 and 9 where completly wiped out. They are now just baren landscapes, pieces of land between districts.

Katniss was more of a symbol than a soldier though. Her story turned into legand rather than fact over the years. People added their own twists and spins to it, and now the only person who can tell the story truthfully is Katniss herself.

Yes, we did end up signing a peace treaty with the Capital and we can now grow our own food. We keep out of the Captitals way, and they keep out of ours. They only kept a couple of rules though, and not being aloud to hunt with weapons is one of them.

Thats where my Mum comes in.

You see, Mum has a rebellious streak to her, not caring what other people say or do. This is not always the best thing and she is forever getting herself in trouble.

And yes, if you hadn't guessed already, my Mum is Katniss Everdeen, and my name is Mitchel Everdeen, more commenly known to my friends as BajanCanadian.


A/N Yes I know that Bajans real name is Mitchell huges, but I had to change it so it would fit the storyline... :)

Vote if you enjoyed!

Peace out!

- K

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