School Councillors

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After the last wizarding war it was agreed upon by most wizarding schools, that it is a requirement for wizarding schools to have at least 2 councillors on-site during the schooling hours. The weekends and Mondays are the only time that the councillors are not available here at Kulumunda.

Julie Heymen - muggle
Age - 33
Height - 5'5ft
Hair colour -Light brown
Eye colour - Light blue
Position - Councillor

Julie Heymen is a qualified youth councillor, claiming her degree at Newcastle University. While also having certificate IV and diploma in youth work and community development.
Julie is cousins with Herman Wicker on his father side. So trust can be for certain when keeping the secret of the school's location.
She was mainly brought in to support muggle-born witches and wizards. As their lives differ from the lives form students who have lived in the magical world since they were born. Different walks of life, different environments and different communities. So different issues arise. But this doesn't mean she doesn't help the rest of the students.

In conjunction with this, she works closely with her cousin Herman when it comes to the more serious cases where mandatory reporting is needed.

She herself is engaged to a wizard named Andrew Paulsen, who works in the department of mysteries.
Who is to be the step farther to her 2 little boys, Rylie (8) and River (4). It's was agreed upon by the other councillors and herself, that she would only be at the school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so she can be with her children.

Troye Cyrus.
Age - 35.
Height - 5'11ft.
Hair colour- Blonde.
Eye colour - Hazel.
House - Yowie.
Wand - Wood: Mangrove, Core: Demiguise Hair, Length: 13.1 inches, Bendyness: slightly springy.
Postion - Councillor.
Patronus - Reindeer.

Troye Cyrus is a wizard who came from New Zealand, at the age of 13 he moved from New Zealand to Australia with his Maori Mother (witch) Sicilia and his Dutch Farther (muggle) Mikolas Cyrus. He was sorted into Yowi house for his kindness and hospitality. He was an ace in Food tech and potions. Troy himself was encouraged by his father to go to muggle university after he graduated from Kulumunda. So at the moment, Troye holds a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelors of Counseling and  Bachelors of Secondary Education.

Before he returned to Kulumunda, Troye spent time in New Zealand reconnecting with his mother's side of the family. Learning about the ancient magics that have been passed down from generation to generation and the traditions of the Maori people. During his final weeks of being there, he got Ta Moko. (Traditional Maori tattoos) On his chin and arms, he chose to use the traditional tools instead of the tattoo gun, so he could feel connected to his ancestors. It was a painful journey taking up to 5 hours. But at the end he felt accomplish afterwards, feeling as went through a right of passage.

Many students get startled by the Moko. But you get used to it after a while.

Hermes Montagu.
Age - 41
Hight - 6ft
Hair colour- Auburn.
Eye colour - Dark Blue.
House - Rainbow Serpent.
Wand - Wood: Apple, Core: Augery Feather, length: 9.3 inches, Bemdyness: Swishy.
Position - Councillor.
Patronus - Munchkin Cat.

Named after his mother's favourite Greek deity. He lives up to the name, in his younger years a bit of a trickster, pulling pranks on student and teacher alike when he attended Kulumunda. But as the years went on he became more mature in his actions and words, graduating with honours and the 'Medal of Kulumunda' which is given to a student who graduated top of their class.

Like the others Hermes himself when to muggle university to gain his Bachelors of Counseling, Batchelors of Communication and Batchelor's of Secondary Education. Hermes has only recently joined the team to help out with Julie with her heavy workload.

On his 21st birthday, his mother gifted him winged shoes. Again living up to his name, this shose came all the way from Greece. Would you believe me that they flew from Greece to Australia by themselves? Hermes wears them all the time. Travelling through the halls, taking a stroll through the vegetable gardens, in his office and when he is painting. He doesn't even own a broom. As all, he needs is his flying shoes.

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