Chapter Fifteen - Separate Lanes

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"I really thought Mum and Dad would be trying to fix things. You guys have always been the forward thinkers ever since we could remember. Like I'd expect this denial from our grandparents, but not them." Ellie said, making herself comfortable on Alex's bed and watching the image of Emma that stared back at them through the Skype video feed.

"It's difficult for them, I know." Emma explained. "They've raised you both away from the spotlight as much as possible. They would never willingly put you out there."

"Cant they see that's why the people are turning against us? It's been downhill ever since Granny passed and we're not going to turn things around by hiding away." Alex said forcefully, not heeding prior warnings from her sister to keep her voice down or risk waking up their parents.

Ellie is always too careful, Alex thought irritably. She had stayed up late listening to music enough times in the past to know that her parents bedroom was too far away for them to hear, unless she was feeling particularly punk rock.

"You were too young to remember what it was like when you were growing up. It's easier now, but when you were toddlers we could never get you out of the house. It may be okay to go for a stroll in the park now if you're just wearing a baseball cap and keeping a low profile, but back then the press had people stationed at every exit of the Palace ready to put out an alert whenever one of us came out. Trust me, I get why you're parents are holding their ground." Emma continued to explain. She didn't sound one bit like the woman who wanted to film a documentary that delved deep into the entire family.

"It's not up to them any more. It's up to us, and I say we can do it." Alex said confidently, sticking her chest out.

"We shouldn't be hiding behind them any more. It's not working." Ellie added, shuffling closer to her.

"That's great girls, but I don't want to do this without your parents support. I'm getting no where with them, Harry cant connect with his brother any more. It's up to you two to get them on board."

"What can we do though?" Ellie asked. "Since dinner they've refused to speak with us or each other."

"You'll have to work on them, like I'm doing with my staff. One by one, convince them to support you or bring in people who will." Emma advised, jotting things down in a notepad that was away from view. "Like I'm trying to get a few more of my old friends involved."

"You want us to replace our parents if we don't like what they say?" Alex asked, half serious, half joking.

"Nooo, but you know what I mean, get them alone and see what they say when they aren't stuck glaring at each other." Emma looked from them to something off screen, showing off a part of her baby belly as she turned in her seat. "That's Harry, I should go girls. You two don't stay up late, okay?"

"Yes Em, see you!" The sisters said together, hanging up. Alex closed her laptop, slid it along her bed and placed it down on the floor. When she sat back up, she could clearly see the wheels in her sister's head turning furiously.

"So we have to split them up." Ellie told her.

"Well you're Mum's fave, so you should obviously go with her." Alex said.

"She doesn't have faves."

Alex rolled her eyes, it was definitely true. Whether it was being a better daughter or just being the Heir, Ellie always got the better treatment. Now wasn't the time to be prodding that particular issue, though.

"I bet Dad would take you to the football, you would appreciate it more." Ellie explained.

"And you have more patience for Mum's dawdling long events." Alex added, thinking of the countless times she'd felt like an event didn't have an ending with how slowly her mother made her way through them.

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