Chapter 22

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The doctor entered the room. John spoke and explained what had happened in Italian. I felt tired, and started drifting off to sleep every couple minutes. John would shake me and scold me.

"Stay awake." He'd say quickly as my head would start to bob. "Just let him get done. Then you can go to sleep. When he finished, I tried to pay, but John protested.

"I'm taking care of you now. Therefore it is my job to keep you safe and alive." He said. He wasn't wrong. I did my best by distracting myself with my phone, which I hadn't had out since the fight. John had warned me not to leave it in my suit pocket, because the gunshots would ruin my screen.

There were three messages from an unknown number. John who was standing over me looked at them too.

I'm sorry. It wasn't my choice. I was just following orders.

You'd better answer me. I don't want to have to come down there.

You leave me no choice.

Just from the context of those messages. I was assured by who I thought I was fighting. It was Cypher. Santino had sent him to take me back. I looked at John and back at the phone. He knew exactly what I was thinking. Suddenly it rang. He was calling me. I looked at John. Wide-eyed and panicked.

"Don't answer." He said. I nodded my understanding, and let it ring. Putting it on silent mode afterward. I laid down on my bed and put my phone on the charger. I fell asleep quickly.


"Did you see The Continental in New York is hiring?" John asked the next morning at breakfast.

"No." I say quietly.

"It's a cooking job. You should apply." John said.

"So are you saying you're kicking me out?" I ask with a laugh.

"No. I just thought it might be a good way to keep yourself safe, and do something you're good at." John explained.

"It does sound like fun." I say.

I got online after breakfast and submitted an application. John helped me out with all I needed for it. And now we wait. A little while after, when we were packing, I got a phone call from Winston.

"Good morning. How are you?" He asked.

"Great! It's great to hear from you!" I say. It was late afternoon, but timezones.

"I was calling to let you know, you got a job." Winston said I could hear the smile in his voice.

"That's great!" I say. "When do I start?" I asked.

"Whenever you two get back from your business trip."

"I'll see you early Sunday morning then!" I say excitedly.

"Good luck." Winston said. "Stay safe." And like that, he hung up the phone.

When I was completely sure that he had hung up, I jumped up and started to celebrate.

"Guess who just got hired!?" I said to John excitedly. John gave a slight smile. It meant the world. He was smiling. HE WAS SMILING!


Working at the Continental was so much fun. We had an aux box in the kitchen, and my work partner at the time and I would take turns playing music for each other. I learned what I needed super quick. But on this particular day, I was working alone. It wasn't a bad, and it was kinda slow compared to other days. We were small so sometimes, if somebody had to call off, we just worked alone that day. When I peaked out the window, and saw Santino, I was not looking forward to any of that. I went quickly and got his order. Duck, with fat. And of course a super expensive wine.

I noticed Winston coming in our direction. I knew Santino was a snapper and whisler when it came to things like this, so I had to keep an eye out as well. I finished his meal before the time limit, and took it out to him. When I did, there came John. I looked at Winston who gave a nod. I went over quickly next to him and stood politely.

"Duck fat. Makes all the difference." Santino said wittily looking up at John with a smug smirk I looked at John. Who now had a gun in his hand. I knew the rules could be sort of bent if you were attacked, but not if you were the attacker.

"John." I spoke as a warning. He gave a quick glare. It made my heart stop for a second and I got a huge pit in my stomach. "John." I repeated. Starting to step forward towards him. Winston put a hand on my chest to keep me from running to him. I could feel he was preparing to shoot him.

"Have you seen the menu here?" He asked. John shifted his stance. "Of course, Maria here nales the duck. That was quite the snag for him." He said.

"Johnathan. Listen to me!" Winston started.

"A man could stay here a long time and never eat the same meal twice." He added.

"Johnathan. Just walk away." Winston added.

It was hard to see such a man that hurt so much. In the past three months, he's lost his wife. His house was broken into. He lost his puppy. His car was stolen. One of his best friends was murdered. Then his car was destroyed. His house got burnt down and now this. I don't blame him for getting mad. Because I would be too. I would be mad as well if all this happened to me in suck close corners. And I am mad. I got dragged into this, I'm going to help John at any turn or twist I can. I am just as mad as he is, and I care just as much as he does. When Santino started mocking John, he and I both snapped. I didn't care if it costed me my life at this point.

"Shoot him." I growled. And without another word. He was gone. I wasn't sad. After all he'd done, I was proud. Winston looked at the two of us.

"What have you done?" He questioned.

"Finished it." John answered simply.

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