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"Kota!" Dani screams as she throws herself into my arms Monday morning, Relly follows shortly after and their rough attack is currently choking me. We're standing in the middle of the parking lot in front of our school, all the students out here are looking at us, but I really couldn't care any less. It's cute how happy they are to see me considering the fact that they were gone for the weekend only.

"We've missed you so much!" Relly squeals as they let go of me, together we walk inside the building. The feeling of having them next to me again is amazing, for some reason the distance made it seem as if they were gone for longer than they actually were. 

"I missed you, too. How was the trip? Give me all the details," I exasperate with happiness lacing my voice. My mood has risen by tenfolds since seeing them. 

"Oh, you surely missed stuff, alright," Dani laughs, the crinkle to her eyes distracts me. "Caspar had a seriously hard time out there, his minions decided to be a bit prissy with him and he really didn't know how to handle it. To us it was hilarious, seeing his confused stare every time they snapped at him, but to him it was pure torture, as much was clear."

I can't help the laugh that leaves my lips, "Serves him right, also about damn time they get some revenge. All those poor spineless creatures."

"You didn't even tell her the best thing," Relly exclaims and her frantic eyes cut to me. "Mr. Tristy fell into the water when we were on a boat, literally no one pushed him, he straight up lost his balance. Dani and I almost peed ourselves by laughter, he's constantly nagging you and seeing him get some of his own medicine. It was pure gold!"

By the thought of him falling like that, his wrinkles morphing into a face of shock, I can't stop the loud laughter that booms out of me. I'm not the biggest on laughing, but the thought of him making a stunt like that. It really is pure gold, exactly like Relly said. "Does anyone have it on tape? I'll literally pay them to see it."

"Nope," Dani laughs and shakes her head. "Trust me, we tried to get it for you. He demanded and forced everyone to delete their videos of it." 

"Such a shame! Well, at least he got a taste of his own medicine. That's more than I could have asked for."

Stopping by our lockers we grab our books. Unfortunately, we don't share the same classes this morning, but catching up with them just now means a lot. It allows me to breathe within their presence, both of them knowing about my dad and not judging in the slightest. As we reach Relly and Dani's class, they wave me off and I walk towards chemistry with a newfound pep in my step. 

The class is empty as I throw my books onto the table in the back, sitting down by the window this time. My mind is elsewhere as a few students scatter in, their chattering doesn't go unnoticed though. The talk of the town is Caspar and the troubles he seems to be having, apparently they feel bad for him, which I definitely do not. 

Speaking of the devil, he steps inside the class and sits down next to me. His nauseating cologne swallows my body and I try not to gag, "Good morning Caspar. Now, will you leave?"

He scowls at me, but doesn't say anything in response. 

Smirking at him, "Such a chirpy attitude this early in the morning, lovely to see you, too."

"Do you always have to say shit to me?" He asks, the annoyance very obvious on his voice. "It's pretty fucking tiring being in your company, your bitchy ass mouth and sarcastic attitude is such a turn off. It honestly disgusts me. You're fucking lucky you have grey eyes, a great ass and freckles, or else you would scare every male specimen away from you. No one daring to step into three feet's distance from you and your ugly personality."

"Well, I'll be damned... He speaks after all!" I exclaim with a heavy sarcasm to my voice. "Now, let me get a few things straight here, fella. Your opinion of me and who you think I am, means absolute shit to me. In fact, I find it quite humorous how you would even assume that I would care. Moreover, whether I am a turn on or turn off for you, that doesn't matter to me, not even in the slightest. I now know you hate my shitty attitude, hence me giving you even more of it. That is how lovely of a person I am. Will you leave now or do I need to break your nose again for you to take a hint? Like, I know it's hard for guys to understand inklings, but your talent at not understanding shit is quite fascinating to me."

"Caspar," Smith yells. Yet another jock, how lovely. "Leave her alone, I don't want to pick up your shit when Alec flips out again."

"Alec never starts shit, it's always that idiot to Elijah," Caspar scoffs, the whiny tone to his voice makes me laugh. He looks at me because of the sound, "What's so funny, freckles?"

"Everything, honestly. The fact that you are afraid of Elijah-"

"I'm not!" He defends himself, but I keep on going. 

"Your constant need to enhance yourself, the flirty comments that, quite frankly, nauseate me. The fact that you're losing grip on the minions, the shit you just spat at me, how you call me freckles again after I turned you down for the sixtieth time. There is so much here that is funny to me, I can keep going if you'd like?" My smirk is met by an intense glare, he is incredibly pissed at me. 

"I'd like it if you didn't," He spits and walks away from the table in a huff. 

"I also find it humorous how your offended walk resembles a child's," The comment is not appreciated, but I physically can't stop myself. He can't expect to try to insult me like that and then receive nothing in return, this entire school knows me too well to do that. 

"Shut up, Moore!" He yells at me just as the teacher strolls into the room, he scolds Caspar slightly. There is no sight of Elijah here and a bubble of disappointment washes over me. Briefly wondering where he is and whether he's sick or not, I manage to stop myself before it gets embarrassing. He can do whatever he pleases. 

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