Coffee Cures Everything

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I woke up. That's it. It's not that I wanted to or I had the choice to, or that I set an alarm or anything... My alarm was set for 3 hours later. I just woke up because my body said so even though my mind thought of never waking up. How wonderful would it be to dream forever. I manage to pull myself into a sitting position to check the time. Why would my body want to be up at 3 in the morning? I felt dizzy and I'm surprised I didn't pass out just then. I walked into the kitchen to see my roommate, Naomi, who was also my best friend. I'm lucky we get along so well, or college would be unbearable. She was sitting on the counter, turned to look out the window. I opened the cabinet and pulled out some Pumpkin coffee beans or whatever. All I know is that it was cheap, gave me energy, and was good. What wasn't cheap was the coffee maker, sugar, and cream I had to buy to go with it. That's when it started getting expensive. It didn't really matter since I mostly lived off of those 50 cent boxes of cup noodles. I could never get sick of it. Naomi finally noticed me as I walked by her to fill the pot with water to refill the coffee maker.

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