chapter V

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"Y/n hurry up!" Evergreen shouted.

The boys left to get dinner. I got dressed and sat on the bed. The boys walked in with 2 big bags full of food.

"Food!" I jumped for it.

~3 months later~

To night is our last night here. We all got ready for bed. Laxus had already dozed off. Freed was a sleep. Ever was brushing her hair. We find went to bed.

~few hours later~

I shot awake. I looked around the room but everyone was asleep. I got out of bed and went to Laxus. There was a huge amount of space between him and the couch. I laid in between the space, which woke up Laxus. We cuddled and we fell asleep.

~next day~

We had left back to the guild. It wasn't a long walk, but my feet got tired. Laxus had to give me a piggyback ride. When we got to the guild everyone was gone.

"Good you are here. Y/n, Laxus, you both are in the grand magic games. There is another fairy tail team, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Natsu, and Gray but just in case they don't get in we have you. The winning team gets the other team to do what ever they want." Gramps explained.

"I'm in. Y/n join the other team." Laxus said.

"So you can make me do whatever you want. Not a chance. You join the other team." I argued.

"Nope your insane. Being on a team with Natsu and Gray. More like Gramps will have to pay the city to rebuild." Laxus chuckled.


"Laxus, I'm trying to cook." I pushed Laxus away.

"What. Fine." He walked away.

~After dinner~

"Laxus can you please help me with the dishes." I said.

"If you marry me." He held out a box.

"Yes I would." I gave him a kiss.

He set me on the counter. Then there was a knock on the door. Laxus walked to the door with me right behind him. There was a little girl crying. She looked around 6 and she seemed scared.

"P-please help me. Some man is trying to kill me. He killed my mommy and daddy." She cried.

"Who? Where is he?" Laxus asked.

"He was right behind me." She pointed to a black figure in the street.

Laxus pushed the little girl into the house and went outside. I sat the girl down on a chair in the dining room.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

"There's water or milk." I smiled.

"Water please." She smiled back.

I walked away only to get my legs hugged.

"Please don't leave me." Her grip got tighter.

"Okay." I picked her up and walked to the fridge.

I pulled out a water bottle. I handed it to the girl. She opened it and chugged it down.

"What's your name?" I asked.


There was a big explosion which made the girl scared.

"It's Fine. Laxus always goes over bord sometimes." I chuckled.

I walked to my room and pulled out a lacrimal. I called Gramps and Mira and explained the situation.

"Do you have magic?" She asked.

"Yeah. Almighty and Geomancy. Almighty is hard to control sometimes. Do you have magic?" I said

"Yes but I can't control it. My mommy told me not to use it. It's element." She  looked sad.

"I'm in a guild. It can probably help you train. There's many people there that can help you. We treat each other like family."

"Yeah but you got to watch out with Natsu, he gets out of control." Laxus said.

"Lexi this is Laxus. He is a lightning dragon slayer." I said.

"Thank you." She gave him a hug.

"Gramps said we have to go to the guild." I said.

"Fine." He put on his jacket and I picked up Lexi.

We walked to the guild but it got cold so me and Lexi stole Laxus jacket. Once we got there the whole guild was there. Mira and Gramps were in the front.

"Is this her?" Gramps asked.

"More like is that your daughter." Natsu said.

Lexi had blonde hair.

"Shut up Natsu." Lucy hit him.

~next day~

We got to Crocus early. Lexi was with is because she doesn't want to leave me or Laxus. She joined the guild and we got her clothes from her house.

"Lexi What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I'm hungry." She said.

"Eating it is." Laxus pulled us to a restaurant.

I ordered a f/f and f/d. Lexi ordered a burger with fries and fruit punch. Laxus ordered a burger with cheese sticks and a Dr. Pepper.

"Omg. Is that Laxus, and Y/n?" Some girl said.

"Does she have a ring on her hand?" Another said.

"Y/n who are those people?" Lexi asked.

"Fans, I guess." I shrugged.

Laxus stole a fry from Lexi. She gave him a look and stole a cheese stick.

"We are even." Laxus pouted.

Lexi continued eating until she was done. She sat back like she was stuffed. We left and went to a pet shop.  Lexi wanted a bunny so we bought it. She named it Oreo. It was a white bunny with black spots.

"Are you sure you don't want me to hold it?" I asked.

"I got it." She held the bunny to her chest.

We bumped into Mira and Gramps. They saw the bunny and  smiled.

"Can I pet it?" Mira asked.

"Sure." She held it out.


"Wow. She is out." Gajeel said.

"Juvia wants to hold the bunny now." Juvia held out her hand.

I handed her the bunny.

"What did you do all day?" Mira asked.

"Mostly walk around." I said.

Gramps came into the room.

"I'll take care of Lexi." Gramps said as the ground began to shake.

Lightning's love (Laxus x reader)Where stories live. Discover now