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"Come on Halay! Seriously?" Dimitri groaned loudly as the strolled through the busy streets of Magnolia. The kid was dragging his feet dramatically as the hot summer sun beat down, warming his face as he looked up at it. He deep blue eyes watching the yellow ball of light as his master laughed next to him.

"No means no kid." She told him as she waved to a group of small children that ran by them, they all smiled and frantically waved back. Relations between Fairy Tail and Magnolia were still strong even if Fairy Tail wasn't.

"Come on! One trip to Jorge isn't going to kill us!" The runic mage complained. Over the six years Halay has been training the boy, he had become a lot more extroverted as well as having his body littered with runes (magical tattoos that all did different things and glowed when he activated them).

"We went yesterday and the upgrades to the Stele aren't done yet." The brunette women told him as she crossed her arms over her chest, watching the energetic boy pretend to be exhausted, an amused smile on her face. "Besides, you just want to get free cake from him."

Dimitri turned to look at his master, raising a brow, almost challenging her. "Don't you?" To the guild, it was no secret that Dimitri was the only one who could challenge Halay's decision and not be killed.

"I will buy you a months worth of cake if you're able to beat me in a fight." She bargained as she walked in front of him, his expression grew in excitement then dropped when he heard the rest of the statement.

"Oh yeah like that's gonna happen." He replied as he ran to caught up with her. "When we first met you had three rings, that's now gone up to eight. That's five new magic types. No wonder the magic council want you in their side! How the hell am I supposed to beat you?" He complained, throwing his arms around dramatically, his curled hair covering his eyes slightly.

"Hard work?" Halay suggested smugly as she smirked at him, stopping in the middle of the unbusy back alley.

Dimitri stopped in front of her and turned, his expression full of boredom. "Oh haha." He exclaimed sarcastically.

"Hey guys," The English accent of their excess friend echoed out behind them. The runic mage turned to see the yellow cat in his human form, a form he could now hold for an hour or two after hard work. "How was training?" He asked them both kindly, holding his hands behind his back as if he was hiding something.

"Exhausting!" Dimitri exclaimed breathlessly, placing a hand on his head dramatically, causing both adults to laugh.

"He's says he's low on sugar but he seems to be just fine." Halay replied to her friend as she watched the boy glare at her in response.

"Well, I have cake." Reed told them, holding up a pink paper bag in his hand, Halay soon realised this was what he was hiding behind himself. Dimitri shot towards the man and immediately took it, smelling the sweet contents and hummed in approval.

"This is why Reed is my favourite." Dimitri stated, high fiving the man next to him.

Reed sent a surprised look to Halay who just raised a brow in disbelief. "I guess I won't be training you anymore." She responded making Dimitri look at her. He saw her dead serious face and laughed nervously.


Halay laughed at his nervousness and ruffled his hair, taking the bag from his hands and walked past them. "Follow me, I've got a great place to sit."

And so Halay led the two boys to the top of the hill where the Rainbow Sakura and happily sat under it. It was in full bloom so the beautiful colours created an intense hue of colour. It reflected on their faces as Reed led down in the fluffy grass, Halay leaning on her hands as the small warm breeze made her short hair dance behind her. Dimitri day with the whole bag of cake in his hand, neither adult wanted any which he was happy about. More for him. It was silent but it was a nice silent. Anyone who walked past would assume they were a family to which Halay and Reed would quickly deny, the transformation magic wearing off instantly in shock.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes Where stories live. Discover now