57 | Milkshakes And The Royal Army

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After the four hectic, fight filled days of the Grand Magic Games, the rest day had finally come around. The Guilds took it graciously, needing to calm themselves down before the big brawl that happened on the final day.

Halay had planned to do nothing, simply relaxing in the inn of Dimitri, Keeri and Rose. The other two had gone off somewhere in search of Gajeel - whether they had found him or not, Halay didn't know. But she had faith.

A knock of the room door made Dimitri look up in confusion, silently wondering to himself about who it could be. He placed his book on advanced Runic Magic down and leapt up off the sofa.

He opened the door and with great surprise, he greeted, "Arthur!"

The man stood there with a cheery smile on his face. His ragged brown hair was in his eyes slightly so he had to move it, correcting his red scarf that was around his neck. "Hey Dimitri." Arthur smiled in return. "Is my sister around?"

"She's somewhere doing something. One second." Dimitri muttered to himself as he walked into the room, motioning for the older wizard to follow. He cleared his throat before screaming at the top of his lungs, "OW!"

A thud echoed throughout the small apartment they had rented as well as the sound of glass shattering. Arthur looked to Dimitri in concern who just tapped his wrist in anticipation. The young teenager noticed Arthur's gaze and smiled at him.

From the hallway, Halay clambered towards them. "Dimitri!" She called out in worry, her breathing slightly laboured. "Are you okay?" She asked as she leant against the doorframe.

"Completely fine." Dimitri responded as he grinned at her. Confusion washed over her face as she stared at her apprentice. Dimitri continued, "Arthur was looking for you." He motioned to the brunet who was watching silently.

Halay eyes turned to him and her eyes lit up slightly. "Oh hey." She greeted, standing up straight. "What's up?"

"Do you wanna explore Crocus today?" Arthur asked as he looked to his older sister. "With me, I mean. The two of us." He added on awkwardly, rolling his head to the side and refusing to make eye contact.

Halay couldn't help but smile. Her brother was asking to spend time with her - something she didn't have the guts to do. "Sure." She agreed with a smile. In shock, Arthur's head snapped to her. "Let me get a jacket."

Arthur watched his sister as she left the room to go retrieve her jacket. The corners of his mouth turned upwards into a smile as he realised that he could actually get to spend time with his long-lost sister. He was ecstatic.

Dimitri seemed to notice how both siblings suddenly looked like they were floating and quietly laughed to himself. "She's been a lot happier since you've been around, by the way." He voiced up.

"Really?" Arthur questioned, not believing his ears. He didn't have time to question it further due to Halay walking back into the room, a slight spring in her step.

With a shove from the young wizard and a, "Have fun!" The two siblings were thrust into the inn hall, the door slamming shut in their face.

Halay and Arthur looked from the door then to each other before bursting out laughing. It took a moment for Halay to compose herself and once she had, she asked, "So, where to?"

At first, Halay was following Arthur around like a lost puppy. It wasn't until she saw the beginning of castle gardens. Her eyes lit up in excitement, grabbing her brother's hand and sprinting towards it. Arthur gave a very detailed tour which fascinated the brunette.

Next, Arthur guided Halay to all of his favourite places in the Capital, giving her entire stories about what made these places special to him. Halay listened carefully, unlike anyone else in his life. It was nice.

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