45 | Nice Of You To Drop In

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"Home sweet home." Natsu sighed in relief before dropping to the ground. According to Rose's constant moaning, they all ached from their second origin awakening. Halay didn't get hers done, she concluded that having a space for more magic power would definitely overload her rings and make her combust. She didn't want to die yet.

Most of the group had slouched onto the floor in exhaustion, the five days of training catching up to them. Halay couldn't help but smile. She noticed Dimitri licking his dry lips and assumed he needed a drink after their long journey. She placed a hand on his back and guided him into the guild, passing her fellow members who had come to scold their group for being late.

"Kinana." Halay called out to the purpled haired girl with a smile. "Can I have two waters please?" She asked which made the girl nod in response.

"Sure." The bar was empty which made service extremely quirk. Once the water was placed in front of him, Dimitri downed both glasses and sigh in content afterwards.

Halay smiled before looking back to the barmaid, seeing her looking good. "You're looking well." She observed, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah." Kinana smiled as she dried up a glass. Her hand stopped as she looked to the brunette. "Have you heard anything about Erik?" She asked in concern and curiosity.

"Nothing new." Halay shook her head. "He's still in prison and they're not letting anyone visit since the whole Key of the Starry Heaven thing." The brunette explained. She noticed that Kinana's mood dropped and Halay reached out for her hand immediately. "Hey, you'll see him again. I promise." This made Kinana smile gently and nod before getting back to work.

"Listen up kids." Makarov's voice echoed which made Halay leave Dimitri in Kinana hands. She quickly descended into the lower part of the guild, standing next to Keeri who separated her from Rose. "It's time to announce the five that will be representing us all in the Grand Magic Games. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy and Wendy." He announced loudly which made Halay sigh in relief, knowing she wasn't chosen.

"But I'm not a fighter Master! Can't you pick Laxus or Gajeel or Halay instead." Wendy begged helplessly, obviously not wanting to participate.

"I don't really have that option because neither of them have come back yet and Halay has already stated that she doesn't want to compete." Makarov explained his reasoning which made her laugh. Of course Laxus and Gajeel weren't back yet. They probably were gonna make it back for the last day knowing those two.

"The system is rigged. It official." Rose stated in annoyance as she crossed her arms over her chest, her expression completely emotionless.

"I'm glad I'm not competing." Keeri admitted nervously as she pushed a hair behind her head. "There are definitely a lot of wizards that are stronger then me out there and I don't exactly want to be humiliated."

"Alright team!" Erza shouted loudly at her friends, clenching her iron fist. "The Grand Magic Games present a perfect opportunity for us to reclaim the prominence that we once held. Today, Sabertooth is regarded as the number one guild. Let us take that title. We will be the top guild again."

Natsu cheered. "Now I've got a fire in my belly."

Halay was soon summoned into Makarov's office along with Mira. What he told her once the door was closed shocked her.

"You want to enter a second team?" Halay questioned once Makarov had finally stopped explaining his idea. According to the rules, each guild could enter two teams and because Fairy Tail have so many 'powerhouses' Makarov wanted to make the most of the opportunity. Halay crossed her legs in the chair and rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

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