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She woke up when the guard brought in a tray of food. After eating, she only had to wait about half an hour before another guard came in and escorted her to a new room with a square table and chairs around it. She was instructed to sit in one of the chairs. Moments later, another guard escorted David in and he sat beside her.

David: Are you okay?

Taylor: Yes. You?

He nodded, and at that moment Commander Luciferous entered the room with what Taylor could only assume was his secretary. They both sat down, guards still at the door. Commander Luciferous looked at Taylor.

Commander Luciferous: Is it correct that you have medical training?

Taylor was taken off guard by the question.

Taylor: Some. I didn't have the chance to finish – I was only second year.

Commander Luciferous: Do you feel that, given proper orientation, you would be able to assist with simple medical services?

Taylor: I... I don't know... maybe?

Commander Luciferous: I only ask because we may have a position for you to fill that will make you useful to my colleagues. The position is not here, of course. It is a few hours away by helicopter in Capital City. It is either that or you stay here in one of our cells.

Taylor looked at David, unsure what to make of the situation. Commander Luciferous noticed.

Commander Luciferous: Oh, don't fear! He would be joining you there! You see, our operation here is minimal now – we have no real need for personnel at this base. We're here just for the stragglers who wander in and discover what we've been doing, like yourselves and your companions hiding in that shack. But the equipment to perform our research is in Capital City, and it is extravagant! I dare say you could actually find happiness there.

Taylor: You knew where we were?

Commander Luciferous: Yes. Of course my dear girl! We saw the coordinates on the transmission that Officer Dawson sent, but we were not actively seeking out survivors. As for your companions, I bid them the best of luck.

Taylor: You need to help them! They'll go back into the city for supplies, and they'll be in danger!

Commander Luciferous: Unfortunately, we have no interest in rounding up stragglers at the moment. Our diminished operation here hardly permits that. And even if we did, those four would be court-marshaled for abandoning their positions.

David: But I did the exact same thing.

Commander Luciferous: But you are of special use to us – you have skills that few others possess. We are overlooking your transgressions. So, as I was saying, you will both be flown to Capital City as soon as the transport arrives – which should be in a few hours.

David: We can't leave them behind!

Commander Luciferous: While you are of special use to us, that does not mean we won't punish uncooperative behaviour. If you do not agree to go to the Capital, my guards will shoot you and your companion here on my orders. No one would be the wiser. So, what is your decision?

David glared at Commander Luciferous for a few moments, weighing his options. He then looked over at Taylor, and made a decision.

David: Alright. We'll both go.

Taylor looked at him as if pained by his decision, but said nothing.

Commander Luciferous: Excellent! Just what I hoped to be hearing from you! You will do great things yet, I can feel it!

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