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Hey all, not keeping this note up for too long, I just want to apologize for my absence.

I've been busy with college applications and studying for my musical auditions into the select courses which has been really stressful on me to the point where I'm not even on Twitter too often anymore, nor my YouTube channel nearly as much. When I get home from school I honestly find myself either collapsing onto my bed, continuing with studies, or just sitting on the couch and looking for anything on YouTube to relieve stress. This story. . .

This story is probably one of the things I'm most proud about since you all enjoy it so much, and not getting anything new out just makes me feel guilty. And then I want to make a quick authors note to say what's going on but the two main thoughts that run through my mind are "This isnt a place for you to rant, nobody will listen anyways" and "By doing this you're just making them feel guilty or bad for you, stop being selfish" and it ends up as a neverending loop and torment and guilt. . .

I always feel like, maybe if I stopped thinking so much about myself I could make content that people will enjoy reading and not have to wait six months for. But then I just end up feeling bad about myself and putting it off even more.

So I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long, for something that isn't even exactly the best content on Wattpad. I'm sorry for just being absent and not saying anything about it.

I want to get the next two chapters out, I really do. I guess I just need more time to find myself and the inspiration that I used to have. Thanks for being patient, and I hope I can talk with you all again soon. Until then, this is AwesomeKattyK, signing out for now. Peace, love, and kit kats.

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