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Heya! So there's a special thing that's happening next chapter that I'm super excited to write out, so much so that I actually kinda want to make some art of it! I'm not sure how any of you know, but I also make art along with my writings.

I'm getting sidetracked, haha. So I'm making this short note to say that I'm kinda interested in making some art for a small portion, but in doing so it would delay the next chapter by a few days/weeks. I was wondering if you guys would like me to keep prioritizing on the next chapter, or if you would prefer waiting approximately an extra week for some art?

Just tell me in the comments and I'll do whichever one you prefer! Thanks for sticking with me, and until next time, this is AwesomeKattyK signing out for now! Peace, love, and Kit-Kats!

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