Chapter 2

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(Mina's POV):

I held my now cold and almost empty coffee in my right hand, sitting on one of the four couches in the marble lobby of the office building. The current worker on desk duty and I were the only ones in the room, and she lurked behind the desk, seemingly organizing papers. Nayeon said she would meet me outside at 6:30. However, both my parents had drilled into me the somewhat questionable lesson "early is on time," which was precisely why I was sitting here, half finalizing a report and half staring at the clock, waiting for the time to come. I glanced up; it was 6:18. Sighing, I returned my attention to the report and managed to finish one paragraph between my half-hearted effort to work and my clock-watching before I heard the elevator ding. Nayeon briskly walked out, wearing her standard suit, her standard braid and perfect face of makeup, and her standard bored expression. She nodded in acknowledgement to the woman on desk duty and was halfway to the door when she noticed me. Once she did, her face lit up as she skipped over.

"Hi, how long did you wait? I'm sorry if you were here for a long time "

I smiled, closed my computer, and held it under one arm as a pushed myself up.

"Not long at all. Shall we go?" Damnit, Mina. Why do you sound so awkward?

She just smiled and jokingly extended her arm. I held onto it, also trying to make it seem like it was for comedic effect.

"We shall," she said and marched us out the door.

We had walked for about 15 seconds before Nayeon started talking to me.

"The restaurant isn't that far, but we don't have to walk. I can drive if you want."

"It's fine, I can walk," I smiled and gripped her arm a little tighter. Damn she got muscle. I hadn't let go of her yet and had no intention to do so. The sun was setting and it was safer to walk around with friends than alone at this hour.

She nodded and talked about my upcoming project and how she would provide anything I needed, which was reassuring to hear. However, I was scared. And stressed. And sad, though not for the reasons Nayeon was probably thinking. When I thought about her, my throat closed up, my eyes turned wet. I couldn't control it, and I couldn't stop thinking about her today.

She left five years ago, Myoui. It's time to move on with your life.

But it's my fault she's gone.

The flashbacks started - the memories hitting all at once. The fighting, the crash, the passing out. I couldn't see anything until I woke up, surrounded by the beeping, the beeping that monitored the heart, the heart that stopped.

And it was my fault.

Nayeon noticed and gently pulled my fingers off her arm. I was still in a daze.

"It's okay, Mina," she said and put that same arm around my shoulders, and I was suddenly jerked back to reality.

I flinched a little, surprised, and she started retracting her arm. I pulled it back around me and sobbed, hard.

The flashbacks started again. My parents yelling at me one moment, breaking down the next. My brother barely leaving his room for four days, not eating or sleeping. My dog being the only one who tolerated me for two weeks because he didn't understand.

It was my fault. I'm sorry.

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