OMG! Freak Out

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Alaska's Pov:

I woke up in a sweat with one thing on my mind "Holy Shit Bella loves me!" I took a deep breath while I had a mental conversation with myself "Dang what do I do? What do I do?" Then I turned and looked at Bella's loving eyes staring at me.

"Well Hello beautiful."

Although I was freaking out on the inside I was instantly touched by the look in her gleaming eyes.

"Good Morning Peanut."

I said with a million dollar smile that no one could wipe off my face. I leaned down and kissed her head lightly then got up and went to the bathroom. I undressed and took a quick shower, when I got out I wrapped a towel around my hair and body then walked out. When I walked into my room Bella was not there. I took in a deep breath and sighed.

"I can at least let my guard down."

I let the towel fall from around me to the floor and took the towel off my hair and threw it aside. I walked over to my dresser and pulled open one of the drawers looking for underwear. Just as a found my favorite pair the door opened. I slightly glanced over my shoulder to see a very naked, very beautiful, and very embarrassed Bella standing there.

"Oh fudge I'm sorry!"

She started closing the door but I some how found a way to hold back my blush and speak.

"No it's alright you can come in are you looking for clothes, a towel, or both?"


Bella said all to quickly I turned my head to look at her only to find her already lost looking at me. She was checking me out hardcore normally I would be offended but the look of love, appreciation, and lust in her eyes stopped me. Well mainly the love and appreciation. I put on my underwear and pointed to an extra towel I kept in my closet. Bella nodded ripping her eyes away from me and going to get the towel. I tried to play off that I was not nervous or bothered and calmly walked over picked out a bra and put it on. I slipped on some shorter white shorts and a rainbow ty dye t-shirt. I was about to grab my lotion when out of the corner of my eye I caught Bella. There she was had on basketball socks, boys basketball shorts, and a black sports bra with her six pack looking sexy as hell. I froze in my tracks. I watched her slip on a white sleeveless shirt and walk off to the bathroom. After she left it took me a couple seconds to recover.

"She just had to be one of the hottest studs on earth huh?!"

I said to myself slightly frustrated. "Is this a test from God to see if I can reject her because right now I'm heading straight for an F." I put lotion on my legs, arms, and face then put on some short socks and all white nike air walks. I walked in front of my full body mirror to look myself over. I had brushed my hair and put it in a half up half down fashion then put on a white head band to hold my baby hairs back.

"Shoot I need to dye my hair again."

I said looking at my brown roots and purplish bluish whitish looking hair. I sighed then sat down on my bed and pulled my phone off the charger. I played games on it until Bella finally returned with some Jordan's on and a white Jordan sports head-band with her hair straight. I stared only for a second while she walked over to me.

"So what do you want to do today?"

She asked me in a loving voice that just made you wanna cuddle.

"How about we go to the fair together."

"Sounds like fun to me."

She said smiling then kissed my head, I laughed as she pulled my hand and told me to come on. We gathered our things and headed out. My first official fake/test date with Bella let's see how it goes.

There you go hope you like it I hope to update soon sorry it's been so long I've gotten really busy with basketball and midterms coming up. Love you all and thanks for sticking with me. Oh and for all that haven't heard yes my phone did get stolen a while back which is one of the reasons I was gone so long but I've now gotten a new phone and am ready to get back to writing!


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