I miss her.

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I walked around Snow's room as I rethought the night Jay met my parents.
I can't believe she's my mom's boss! I mean what are the odds.
I thought to myself as I continued to pace.
And my mom has to be high up in her job to know and be with Jay everyday. Right? Or does Jay love her job that much she's constantly dealing with employees.
I rubbed my eyes as I shook my head.
I just always pictured my mom as a receptionist who sat behind a desk and guided people all day.
I sighed as I fell back on Snow's bed resting my head on her stomach.
"What's bothering you?"
Alaska asked as she continued to read her book.
"I don't know I just can't comprehend that Jay is my mom's boss ya know. Like what are the odds of that actually happening?"
Snow laughed making my head bounce.
"You're right, that's not very common."
I sighed as Snow started playing with my braids while still reading her book.
"Don't over think it Trin, it will all work out in the end don't worry."
I hummed as I enjoyed the feeling of having her play in my braids. As I closed my eyes and finally relaxing  for the first time Bella walked in the room.
"Awe no fair you stole my spot."
I just hummed as she came in and sat somewhere.
"Well are you in deep."
Bella said from somewhere to my right.
"Tell me about it."
"It's just so crazy to me because she young! Like of course she's a bit older compared to us but when you really think about it she is young and owns a multimillion dollar company?! That's wild to me."
Bella said with astonishment.
"It's not even that to me, it's just the odds of my mom working for her and on top of that having a bad working relationship with her. She's the sweetest woman I've met I don't get how my mom could dislike her."
Bella said. I opened my eyes to see her sitting on the floor in deep thought.
"Should I call her maybe if she explained it all we wouldn't be so stressed."
Bella shrugged.
It didn't occur to me that Bella and Jay had become such great friends as well.
I thought as I studied Bella. As we laid there we heard knocking at Alaska's door.
Now who in the world would knock?
Alaska sighed as she put her book down and sat up causing me to have to sit up. She climbed out bed and headed out of her room. Bella stayed on the floor still seeming to be off.
"Trin dear, it's for you."
Alaska called, making me sigh.
I really don't want to see Jay right now.....
I thought as I went down the stairs as soon as I could see the door I made eye contact with my mom. I instantly turned around to go back up.
Alaska said in that tone that meant there was trouble for me if I went back upstairs. I audibly sighed and I turned around and came towards the front door.
I said in a rude tone.
"What are you doing here?"
My mom's face hadn't changed from the moment we first made eye contact. She just kept staring at me.
Alaska snapped in-front of her eyes, seeming to wake her up.
"Trinity, may I speak with you?"
I raised my eyebrow at her proper tone.
"Ummmm.... sure."
I stepped outside closing the door behind me. My mom looked at me a few moments before starting.
"Trinity I don't approve of you and Ms. SPARK, and I also think your relationship is highly in appropriate. She's in her thirties for crying out loud."
I sighed rolling my eyes.
"If you came here to just tell me how much you hate my relationship you can just leave."
I said about to open the door and go back inside.
"No Trinity, I came here to say I'm willing to try, I'm willing to try to meet the Jay you know, and not judge her because of the Jay I know at work."
I raised my eyebrow but just nodded and went back inside.
Well I guess that sort of works out.
I thought to myself as I closed the door behind me.
I yelled up the steps as I walked towards the kitchen.
"Call Jay..."
I heard a stampede coming down the steps before the word Jay even finished leaving my mouth.
Alaska asked with excitement.
"I want to hear what she has to say."
Alaska nodded giving Bella the signal as Bella started dialing. I leaned against the fridge closing my eyes as I felt the cool material against my head.
I hope I'm making the right choice.
I thought to myself.
..... 1 hour later .....
Bella ran to Jay like she was a long lost brother. Jay laughed despite herself hugging Bella.
"Long time no see."
Jay's seductive voice let out making my body shutter.
Why does she have to be so god damn sexy?
I asked God as I continued sitting on the couch trying hard to keep my neutral face.
"Hey Jay."
Alaska called from the chair on the other side of the room.
Jay said with a smile and a nod her direction. Finally Jay looked at me, a lot of emotions crossed her face but only one stuck, happiness, Jay was happy to see me. I looked her over feeling the warmth all over my body run in between my legs. Although she only had on a t-shirt and some jean shorts, she was still eye candy. Her long beautiful hair up in a lazy bun her golden eyes shining, her long milky legs visible. Honestly if we were alone in this room I would tackle her for any type of physical contact. I just want her to touch me, and in between my legs is screaming at the thought.
"Hey babe."
She said lightly as she started to sit by me.
"My name is Trinity, and Hello Jay."
I saw Alaska wince but Jay seemed to not be phased and continued to place herself inches away from me. Her scent filled the area around me and I don't think I've lusted for anyone this much in my life.
"How've you been?"
Jay asked keeping her hands in her lap as she looked me over.
"Fine, you?"
I let out trying to keep my voice as neutral as possible.
"I've been better."
Jay said continuing to study me. I hummed in acknowledgement as she started to speak again.
"May I have a kiss?"
I instantly shot back but now my eyes wouldn't leave her lips. Jay continued to seem unphased.
"May I hold you?"
I instantly shot back again even though my mind couldn't think of anything better then being held by Jay right now.
"May I at least have a hug?"
I thought about it before answering.
"I guess."
Jay seemed thoughtful as she leaned in. She lightly wrapped her arms around my waist before pulling me into a hug. The feeling of her hands on my body was to much for me to take. I wrapped my hands around her neck tightly pulling myself into a straddling position and burring my face in her neck.
"I missed you."
I whispered as I felt her hold me back.
"You don't even know."
She said back to me.

Welllllllll they're back on good terms, sort of. I realized I've been doing a lot more reading than writing lately and after my phone got broken and I got this new one, I don't know I just sort of felt in motivated. But I'm back and I'm better XD! Hope you enjoyed it I'll try to get back on track updating all my books once a month!! As always!

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