Chapter 17: Warm Outings

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Two adults stood a large screen. It was holographic, as the school could supply the funds and equipment needed for such a device.

It displayed several recordings and camera angles and shots of the school. The majority of the footage held at least several different times when two, specific, individuals were within each others presence.

A moment later a diagram of two anatomy's appeared. They were modernised, and was set to show a singular variable, at the time of viewing.

The two adults watching, hadn't said anything of late. Both had their arms folded, and their eyes on the screen, watching intently as the body diagrams would slightly alter through different scenes of the camera footage.

'So... What do you make of it?' asked one of the adults. 'They've only been together for a small amount of time, and there's already the change, again... I just hope it ends different that what's happened before...'

'Agreed...' replied the taller adult. 'I think that the doctor's choice of bringing Zero two into the same school as the Special Specimen is a very curious thing to do indeed... There are no recent records of the two having recent interaction, before as of now, but... there are... much, older, records... Some that are closely related to the Doctor's, "Necessary Actions", or "Further, research"...'

The shorter of the two adults flinched at both of each terms. It had been a few years since things of that nature had happened on the scale that they did.

'Make sure to organise a check-up in a few weeks time, for squad 13, and make sure that all of the students are being treated; we don't want the children to get suspicious.'

'If they aren't already.'

The woman, began to leave the room, knowing that the only thing left to do was wait and see what would happen in the coming weeks or so.

'We will also have to notify the Doctor on this, Nana...' said the man. 'It is his school and project anyway.'

'Right, Hachi...' turning on her heel, she left with the light clicking of heels, in the dark hallway.

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The plan at hand, hadn't changed that much from the original plan. The Squad, excluding Hiro, would split up into little groups, each going their seperate ways, doing whatever they would usually like to do. They didn't have any pre-booked or scheduled activities that they could all enjoy together to fullest.

Ikuno was going to the public Library, as the range of books in the school library, didn't always cover everything she was looking for. She mentioned something about, an Earth-sea quartet? No one really knew what Ikuno got around to reading to, nowadays.

Kokoro said that she would like to visit the local flower shop. She had made good friends with some of the staff there, and would usually get tips and ideas for the school gardens and whatnot.

Miku would be heading off with Kokoro, as the two had agreed that after Kokoro had done the necessary amount of plant related things, Miku had said that her choice of destination would be to go to the candy store, and then maybe pass by the Library on the way. They could then pick up Ikuno on the way back.

Futoshi would bum around the food area, accompanied by Zorome. They didn't have anything that really needed to do.

Goro and Ichigo would probably go everywhere they could, as they, truth be told, loved the weekends as much as anyone did, except they just didn't really have as much stuff like the others did. They'd probably end up at the Library as it was a good place to study and just relax peacefully.

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