Jimin - Call Me (Part 1)

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Your POV
You walked out of the shop, the bag of SNSD merch swinging from your arm, humming 'I Got A Boy' softly while strolling. Just as you approached the bus stop several meters away, the once beautiful sunny sky over your head had turned into an ominous grey, progressing from a light drizzle to a roaring thunderstorm in a few moments. "Aigoo, it rains now?!" You questioned the grey sky angrily. Shivering slightly, you backed further into the bus shelter, wondering whether you were going to make it for your guitar lesson which was in an hour's time.
Occupied with your thoughts, you didn't notice a black bicycle ride up to you, a boy in a black windbreaker sitting on it. "_____?" He asked. You blinked in surprise. "Y-Yeah?" You replied, your teeth chattering from the cold. "How did you know my name? W-Who are you?" He looked vaguely familiar, but you could not place who he was.
The mysterious boy simply smiled. "You don't know? My guitar lesson is right after yours, and we attend the same- nevermind," he broke off. He had a really cute smile, you noticed. But the rest of his features were partially hidden by his fringe and hoodie.
Without realizing it, you were noticing more and more about the boy, the curve of his lips, the rainwater dripping off his eyelashes and fringe, the - Stop it, _____. You told yourself mentally.
The boy was rummaging around in his bag, facing away from you. When he turned around, he was holding a grey umbrella in one hand and unzipping his windbreaker with the other. A minute later, he passed the umbrella and windbreaker to you. Smiling, he turned and rode off into the rain, shouting over the roar of the wind, "You can return them to me after your lesson!"
Surprised, you just stared blankly at his retreating figure. You didn't even get to ask for his name, and you barely knew him! You slowly put on the windbreaker, which was still slightly warm from the boy's body heat and slightly too big for you. Unconsciously, you smiled at the thought of meeting the cute boy again after your lesson, though still unsure if he would turn up.
About 3 hours later.
"Kamsa, sensei." You bowed to your Japanese teacher, who bowed back to you. Exiting the small practice room, you wandered over to the café next door.
"_____?" The same voice you had been dreaming about the entire lesson woke you from your reverie. "Oh, it's you!" You cheered mentally. Wait, what? You already fell for him? Well that was fast.. But you still didn't know his name or number..
"Yeah, me," the boy laughed. He had a really cute laugh. In fact, all of him was cute - now that you could see his features clearly, you could see the cute almond shape of his eyes when he wasn't eyesmiling, and his cute chubby cheeks. The way his whole face seemed to light up when he smiled. His voice was soft and soothing, and - "_____? Um, can I have my stuff back please.." "Oh, yeah," you said, blushing furiously. You passed his windbreaker and umbrella back to him. As you turned to leave the café, he called you again.
"Um, _____?" "Yeah?" You faced him, to find him fiddling with his phone. Was he blushing? "C-Can I have your number?" He suddenly blurted. Yes! This was the moment you were waiting for! Excited, you gave him your number, already fantasizing about all the dates you would have with him... "Oh, you're Jimin? That's a cute name!" You said, spotting the 'User Info' bar at the lock screen. "Park Jimin, from Bangtan High," you read. "Oh, that's my school too! How come I never saw you before?" You asked. Jimin shrugged. "Well, I just transferred last week with 6 other members from my international dance/pop group.. We'll be staying here till Christmas next year," he explained. That was about 13 months before he left.. Whatever, at least he was still here.
"Well, I have to go now, sorry.." You said. You wee running late for your meeting with your best friend. Jimin looked disappointed, waving at you as you exited the café in a rush. Turning around at the last moment, you gave him the universal 'Call me' sign, grinning widely at his cute surprised face.
Hey guys! Long time no see ^^ sorry for the crappy and horribly long fic:P my creative juices weren't flowing :/ and sorry for the long absence, I was busy and attended a camp and went for a holiday back-to-back so I couldn't update T T Well, I'll be leaving for another holiday tomorrow (SORRY I CANT CELEBRATE YEOL'S BDAY T^T) so I won't be able to update for a week. Sorryyy

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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