Chapter Four

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bettys pov

My eyes widened at what I saw on the tv hanging over the bar.

It was me, a missing persons poster on the news. I knew escaping was a mistake, now not only will I get in trouble, but so will Jughead. He's been keeping a mental escapee in his bedroom.

He quickly guided me to his room while the serpents muttered. Only, they soon forgot and changed channels to the superbowl.

"When were you gonna tell me?!", he shouted.

His voice was raw and angry.

Flashbacks from the Sisters invaded my mind. The way they yelled at me, the way they beat me if I were not to cooperate or tell the truth. It's all flowing back.

My tears yet again got the best of me and they slowly started falling down my face.

"I'm sorry", the only thing that escaped my mouth.

"Sorry won't help the fact that I've been keeping a pyscho from the Sisters in my room!"

A psycho. So that's what he thinks of me. That's all I am.

A few whimpers escaped my mouth before I charged out of the room, and out the bar.

"Betty, wait!", he yelled after me.

*Time pass, 5 mins*

I walked along the pavement, dragging my feet with me.

My stitches and where the tall man grabbed me was starting to pain again.

I walked a few miles before I was met with an old fashioned diner, 'Pops Chocklit Shop'.

I walked in and the bell on top of the door rang.

"Hello! What can I get for you?", a friendly old man wearing an apron smiled.

"Oh, I don't have any money to pay, sorry."

"Well, its on the house then.", he noticed my tears, smiled big and gestured towards a comfy booth.

"What can I get for you?", he asked again.

"I'll just have a vanilla milkshake..and a burger..and some fries..and maybe some onion rings?", I smiled sheepishly.

"Wow, a girl like yous got a big appetite.", he smiled again, his wrinkles showing.

I giggled softly, wiping away my tears.

He walked away to prepare my order.

I looked outside the window and sat down inside the booth. A few small tears escaped my eyes and ran down my face.

I thought he was different. I thought we had something, a spark. I thought he didn't just see me as a pyscho.

The bell on top of the door rang again, and I turned my head to see a redhead, his arms around a raven haired girl who was beyond beautiful. The boy had broad shoulders and a big smile painted across his face.

The raven haired girl noticed me staring and sent a loving smile my way.

I sent the same smile back.

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