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December 25, 2017

"She's just my friend mamas, I don't like her" Micah said kissing her cheek to her neck then stepping back Malia didn't look a peas

"Your a bullshit liar Aubrey. Your looking at her the same way you look at me" Malia acussed

"Okay she's attractive bu-"

"You think she so pretty go be with her then" Malia snapped pushing him off of her going to his bedroom door to leave,

"Adry'ann baby ch-"

Adry'ann snatched her hand away and they kept fighting until Micah just lock his arms around her "you can't be mad because I thin-" Micah stopped talking when someone knocked on his door, dropping her and pointing to her face Malia mugged him. Opening his bedroom door and seeing Riley--she was a girl that was brought in a month ago and she kinda just follow Micah around like a lost puppy, she wants to do anything to apeas him offers to buy this, want to spar with him, wants to watch a movie together anything. Micah like the constant need attention because she was a pretty girl looks like 'megan fox'. His celebrity crush. She 'hot' you may call it but Micah doesn't like her at all. "Riley"

"Come on were about to watch a movie" she said lightly demanding him, Micah thinks she does spend a lot of time trying to be like Malia, she inmate a lot of things she does, she tries to be silent and non chaulnt but she's just as bubbly as Blake thier actually a trio Macy,Blake and Riley you could imagine for what reason, those three tread lightly because of Malia but Riley doesn't know and even if she did she wasn't scared of compaition but it's not one. Malia didn't care who was what if she was going to be with one person she need that person to understand she doesn't do second or just opinion it leads to things and Micah needed another reminder.

Micah shook his head "No. I'm busy" he said closing his door in his face and seeing his girlfriend unpleased face "Mami calm down okay? I don't like he-"

"Your always looking at her Aubrey and she always knocking at this damn door. You think she pretty too? Go fuck her then" Malia started before speaking in Spanish slowly and loud enough for him to understand

"Because I think she cute I gotta date her?" He asked irriated as she blew a bubble nodding her head with her arms crossed "Adry baby stop. Your insecurities are going to make you go crazy. I don't want he-"

"I'm not insecure" she said flatly and loudly walking up on him "I am and always will be the finest baddest bitch you will ever have. The fact is that you can't want me and the next bitch. I don't. Like. Sharing. Your eyes only need to be on me. I need to be the center of your eye, you want to think other girls are cute then we have a problem Aubrey" Micah exhale, he like Malia drive for wanting to be his only eye sure it's unrealistic and she knows that the only reason she's throwing a fit because this Riley girl is too much in her boyfriend face, he didn't sigh because he was tried he sighed because Malia gets so aggressive when she has an aittude. If he wasn't an assian like he would have to break up with her.

Malia and Micah can fight all day but she could never actually dominant Micah and she made clear she didn't want too. She like Micah because he could dominant her any male there can but Micah doesn't do it to try an impress her that's just naturally him.

"Your being an asshole over nothing Adry'ann. I don't see her no other way but cute. Your going to have to understand that. Get out your feelings" he said flatly to her walking to his bed for his Gatorade drink they were going to train together

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