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Malia chewed the gum looking in the chamber of the gun looking over her shoulder sensing someone, Micah watched the grey eyes that look at him then back at what she was doing "is it all true?"

"I've never lie to you" she said pushing the trigger hearing the click noise setting it down next to the second one of the abandoned home reaching in the bin for the bullets in oil sliding them in the clip

"We..were we happy?"

Malia nodded "we were in love" she said flatly licking her lips "very happy"

Micah frowned hard exhaling sitting on the floor scratching his head "Why do yo-"

"You talk the same way" she said looking at him then reading his face and body language before starting a new clip "Just tell her you don't want the baby Aubrey" she stiffled a laugh shaking her head

"How did you kn-"

Malia started at him and Micah just felt like it was just them they just understand each other.

"Same way you just understood"

Micah nodded watching her "why do you carry guns? You don't use them"

"Their your guns" she mumble looking at it "I don't like guns, blades are my thing. I just held your extras and clips" she said taking her blade out and the took grabbed the rag

"So wh-lik-did we talk about kids? Or a life together?"

Malia exhaled thinking the questions wouldn't end so she stopped giving him her attention and nodded "We both don't want kids. We wanted to just simply be together. We wanted to have an actual wedding, go on dates and have friends and talk shit to them because they got pregnant" she slowly smile before laughing a little and Micah stare at her this smile and laugh wasnt a fake one her face actually glows and she seems more welcoming "well I promise when it was over that we can go where you want and you can take care of me and I'll stay at home with the pets, you wanted a Camilon because they won't die so easy and lizard slash fish thing you use to go in abo-"

"Lahoona" he answer for her because he told Emily about that and wanting one and she was against it and closed the conversation and he never brought it up again once. He respects his wife.

She nodded shrugging a shoulder "It was a decent life. We made it work. Thirty minutes in each other rooms was enough for you if you were being ride. I don't know if she knows but it's this ear thing that you go crazy for crashes like a Dell computer, we were partners but you still have me space because if my own doing, you were a respectful clingy"

"I was clingy?" He asked confused because he was not where near that with Emily if anything he was the one demanding space pointing to his chest and pondering on the sex thing

Malia frowned nodding "I like clingy men so it wasn't a problem" she shrugged looking back at him "You get a chance to be near me you would take it at a respectable distance infront of everyone else. I would be on one half of the gym ten mintue later your coming next to me. In private you lived on my chest. Any chance you got you were there and you you played with my belly ring. You respect me you never allow me to walk over you like you let Emily but at the sametime I respect you too much. I don't need to"

Micah sighed scatrching his head looking at her stare at him "I'm sorry" he said and she nodded, he's not sure why he said it but he did

TRUTH BE TOLD| Agent Micah+ Agent GreyWhere stories live. Discover now