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Ailee's POV

    I slowly opened my eyes. I let them adjust to the darkness of the room as I grabbed my head. It hurt like hell. I sighed in pain trying to concentrate on where I was. I was lying on top of a lush violet comforter that felt like silk or satin. The walls were a deep grey with black fleur de lys adorning them with matching crown molding. The chest at the end of the bed, the large wardrobe, the vanity, the giant canopy bed I was lying in that seemed to be a size king or possibly bigger, and the night stands were all a glossy black. Not a single speck of dust was to be found on any part of them either. This room was well kept. So well kept it looked as if nobody had ever even lived in here before. The crystal chandelier hung just in front of the bed. The chaise slightly to the right of the room near the vanity was a deep violet velvet, the same color as the bed spread. It had a matching glossy black and glass coffee table with some tiny but very intricate designs swirling around the leg posts like the print on the wall.

    It was almost pitch black but I could make out everything just fine as if the light was turned on. I slowly climbed off the soft bed pushing back the sheer black curtains hanging from the top canopy rim that looked like metal vines and made sure to keep quiet. I tip toed around the room examining everything. I spotted some clothes folded neatly sitting on the ottoman that accented the chaise. Anything was better than walking around in a nighty, which reminds me that I need to murder whoever put me in this and obviously saw me naked, so I was obviously desperate for something other than that slinky piece of black fabric. I quickly changed and noticed the pants were as black as my hair and tight to my legs bringing out my small but noticeable curves. The white flowy victorian styled blouse went lovely with my pale skin. The shoes were simple black mary jane pumps with a silver heart buckle on the sides of them. They seemed about 2 or 3 inches high. I scanned the room for a mirror and sat down at the vanity. The shoes were actually easy to walk in. I pulled open all the drawers and found makeup, hair brushes and tools, hair accessories, more products, and even more makeup. A typical girls dream.

    “You liked to do a lot the human way. You said it was something to do.” A voice rang out of the silence. I turned to the now lit doorway where a shadow stood propped up against the door frame. “You never wanted to use me to do anything. I guess you could say i’m a bit jealous of that. That is why you created me afterall.” Gabriel smiled. I hadn’t even noticed the door opened considering the light from that hallway was blinding. I blinked a few times and simply stared at him.

    After a few minutes the giant rabbit from before poked his around the door frame. His ears too his little pink nose stood out from the light. His wide eyes were filled with curiosity. “Alexander.” Gabriel said softly still staring at me. The rabbits ears pricked up. He slowly moved from behind the doorway and I could see him clearly now. “Your majesty it has been too long.” He smiled at me. Since when could rabbits smile? What am I talking about? This thing talks and not to mention is bigger than any rabbit I have ever seen! Could this dream get any weirder?

    “So um, the majesty thing? Am I a princess or something?” I said sarcastically trying not to laugh. Weird was an understatement. “More like King.” Gabriel smiled again. “King? I’m not a boy though.” “No but you are the highest power here. And king is a higher title than queen, prince, princess, etc. Naturally you would be considered a king.” “So if I were to get married my husband would be a queen?” His eyebrow raised. “To get married? Riri you are already married. You have a daughter. You really don’t remember anything?” His smile disappeared. “Listen all I know is that I was with you and then out of nowhere I was chased by some weird guy in some weird maze and then I touched some weird flower and then I ended up here all because the voice in my head told me too. I don’t mean to be rude but I have no idea who all these people are or where I am or what you are even talking about! All I want to do is wake up from this crazy nightmare and be back home.” My eyes were watering. “That weird guy was Darian. He didn’t notice it was you so of course he would chase you. You were in his labyrinth you were intruding in his home. Something everybody knows not to do. Demons are quite ruthless and don’t exactly follow the rules. You of all people should know that.”

    “Why? Why should I know that? How could I know that? I’m from Indianapolis, Indiana in North America on the planet called Earth. I am a teenage girl in high school hoping to pass my graduation and to get married to the love of my life and start a life with hopefully a family. I am no king. I have never ruled anything in my life nor do I want to and demons and giant talking rabbits don’t exist! It is not possible! Not. Possible. None of you are real this is just a stupid dream!” I pinched my arm in attempt to wake up and then ended up slapping myself. “It won’t work Riri.” I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks and my frustration was boiling over. “My name is Ailee Angelique Rosalind. Understand? Ailee. Just Ailee. NOT Ariette or Riri or whatever.” I gripped my fists trying not to lose it and go awol on somebody.

    “My apologies. I understand why you are angry but you are Ariette. You just don’t remember that you are. It will take a little time but you will-” I cut him off. “I am sixteen years old! My memories go all the way back to when I was two! There is no way I am who you say I am! A two year old couldn’t rule anything or already have a family. I know none of these people or where I am or why I am here so excuse me for being a little angry but how would you feel if you were sucked into some freaky looking place with weirdos mumbling stupid things that aren’t nor could ever be possible? I am a nobody girl who wants to go home and I will do anything to get there! Do I make myself clear?”

    “Doc put her out.” Gabriel waved in a jolly looking old man that reminded me of Santa Claus. The vampire looking hottie who was apparently named Darian appeared behind me and restrained me from my self defense. The doctor pulled out a syringe from his pocket and tried to get a firm grasp on my arm. He stuck the needle into my arm and my vision started fading. Everything got blurry and I couldn’t stand anymore. Darian caught me before I hit the floor. His butler looking jacket was soft against my cheek and his hair, the smell of his hair was that of a rose with a deep luxury tint. I recognized this smell. It was as if it was my own. I squeezed my eyes shut to focus on staying conscious. It was the guy holding me. Darian was playing with a little girl by a bunch of rose bushes. She was small, about 6 or 7 maybe. Her hair was longer than mine and curled. She was wearing a yellow ball gown and Darian was teaching her how to make flower crowns. He placed it on her head and his beautiful long black hair fell in her face. I knew instantly it was me. I could smell the roses on the crown. “Darian why can’t you smell like the roses?” My innocent voice was melodic. “Would you like me to smell like the roses?” He smiled as if he was proud of something. I nodded fixing the flower crown I was making in my hands. He waved his hand over his body letting out a shimmery violet mist circle around him. I looked up to him started clapping and smiling. The crown broke when it hit the ground and I started to tear up. He took me in his arms and told me it was alright and that I could make another one. I nodded and the vision faded away. “Landon. The flower crown. You caused me....To drop it….It broke……….Like me.” I managed to choke out under my breath as I fell back into the darkness like before. His eyes went directly to mine as they closed. “Gabriel. That was a memory. There is no way she could know that if she were really the human she said she was. That was a damn memory only Ariette could know! It is her!” He stared at Gabriel. “I told you it is her. She just needs, a trigger of some sort. Something that would spark her memories.” He sighed. “What we really should be concerned about right now is how she even got here.”

    “What matters is that she is here. Ariette has come home. She’s finally back.” Alexander smiled. “What we need to do is get Michaelis and Anastasia. They must be the ones who sent her back.” The doctor looked at Gabriel. “But how do we know? They may not have their memories either. If she doesn’t they definitely don’t. She could have somehow sent herself home. It is a possibility.” “That doesn’t change the fact that we need to retrieve them.” Darian piped in. “He’s right and I would have felt her using me if she did come here on her own. I am her power and that action requires power. She couldn’t have realm jumped without my notice. Somebody else had to have done it but nobody has that power. She was locked in that realm. Locked tight and only God has that power to send her back here but he put her away for a reason. A dumb reason but a strong enough reason for him to waste his remaining strength on her.” Gabriel rubbed his head. “So it was either her or God but since neither would do it, it looks like we have a new culprit on our hands.” The doctors tone had grown serious. “It is just a matter of finding out who and why.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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