Chapter One

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(1st of September)

────── 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆'𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐉𝐀𝐌 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃, with muggles and magical folk running around the station some trying to get to work. Among the hustle and bustle, Joanna held tightly onto her mother's arm as she wheeled the trolley along. Weaving the trolley through empty spaces, her poor cat Iris was probably terrified of all commotion. As they continued down the long strip to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Joanna knew something was wrong when her mother stopped by a plain brick wall. She didn't expect to be standing around, especially when it seemed the platform didn't even exist.

"Go on darling, it's your first time" Claudia encouraged calmly, giving her daughter a small nudge. "Nothing will happen"

"Mum you don't understand this is just a brick wall" Joanna argued as she pulled away from her mother's grip. She wasn't about to run into the brick wall face first, with a bunch of random muggles gazing on.

"That shouldn't stop you from where you need to go" her mother began laughing. Claudia always wanted to encourage her daughter. "Just run at it"

"But mum what if I can't" the young girl called out, shaking her head frantically.

Joanna still couldn't wrap her head around the whole idea. But she knew the train would be leaving soon if she didn't get a move on. However, her mother continued to push the trolley forward. The longer she stood staring at a wall gormlessly, more people would look at her strangely. Taking a deep breath in, she knew there were no alternatives.

Before she could get sorted out, Claudia squeezed her shoulder softly. The reassurance her daughter wanted. It was better to get going than to just hover about. Closing her eyes firmly shut, she decided to just go for it. However much to her shock, nothing actually happened to her. There was not a single scratch on her face, yet she still managed to run into someone else's trolley nearly tumbling over. A group of women sent a dirty look in her direction, before walking to another spot.

"Now wasn't that just fun" her mother exclaimed like a young child on Christmas morning.

Fun wasn't the right phrase to describe her experience of magically running through a solid wall. Her heart was beating ten times faster than usual, she felt as though the ground could swallow her up whole. Or maybe she was about to have a panic attack. Regardless, Joanna managed to smile at her mother. But the feeling of anxiety hadn't slipped past Claudia.

"Joanna you're going to have a fantastic time while you're there" her mother smiled softly "You'll make a big group friends the very second you get there. All the professors will absolutely adore you. I have a bet on either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw"

Joanna was startled by her Mother's random bet on the two houses. Her uncle Michael had been sorted into Ravenclaw deviating away from family traditions. "Mum you know I have my heart set on Gryffindor" she replied, chuckling to herself.

"I know I know ... but perhaps some change would be good" Claudia explained before pushing her down the platform "Now have you got everything you require"

"Of course mum" the young girl groaned, not wanting to be pestered again.

"Did you bring Iris's treats?" she asked.

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