Welcome to Aurodon Prep

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Queen Belle: Valyria?

Valyria: Yes?

Queen Belle: We have arrived.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to fully be awake and process everything.

Queen Belle: Here, let me......

Valyria: No!

I say, clutching the box very tight.

Valyria: My apologies, it's valuable to our kingdom, so it stays with me.

Queen Belle: Oh, I see.

We got out the limo, I saw a beautiful sight of Aurodon Prep. I have to admit, it's beautiful but I still won't like it as much as I love Dragonstone. A woman with a nice hairdo, wearing blue and a pink bowtie came, she was smiling.

Woman: Hello.

I curtsied.

Queen Belle: Valyria, this is Fairy Godmother, she will be assisting you from now, I have to be somewhere. Good luck.

Valyria: Thank you.

Then she left.

Fairy Godmother: Welcome to Aurodon Prep, there are kids who are supposed to give you your but they are la......

I saw teens running over to us.

Purple haired girl: Fairy Godmother, we're so so sorry, Carlos had to grab something to eat.

The purple haired girl explained, mentioning to the white haired boy.

White haired boy: I did not!

He protested. Fairy Godmother rolled her eyes then looked over to me, smiling, if she keeps smiling like that, she's going to freak me out to death.

Fairy Godmother: These are the kids that are going to tour you around Aurodon. This is Mal.

She says mentioning the purple haired girl.

Fairy Godmother: This is Carlos, whom you already know thanks to Mal.

She says mentioning to the white haired boy.

Fairy Godmother: That's Evie, Jay, Uma, Harry and Gill.

She introduced me to the blue haired girl, who is Evie, the long haired boy, who is Jay, the girl with blue braids, who is Uma, then Gill.... I'd rather not say him, he looks at me with hunger, then Harry..... Well he also is sending the same look but he is smiling or smirking... No I believe it's smiling, I just don't know, he holds the same look, all I could do was weakly smile back, not to be rude.

Fairy Godmother: Anyway, they will be touring you, Mal and Evie can help you settle in, you'll be getting your schedule from either both if them.
If there is anything you would like to say, you can be free.

Valyria: I'm good.

Fairy Godmother: Okay. VK's this is the new student I was talking about. Valyria, she is not from here so help her out where she need to.

Mal: Okay.

Fairy Godmother: Valyria, if there's anything you need, you can come to Mal or Evie. If there something to discuss, you can come to me, if there is an emergency, you can go to King Adam and Queen Belle.

Why thank you, I do have an emergency, it's called, going back to Dragonstone! I screamed at myself in my head. I smiled nodding.

Fairy Godmother: VK's, bare in mind, she's homeschooled, so it's her first time [looks over at Valyria] Welcome and Good luck.

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